The #Boundaryless Remote Distributed Teams Podcast with Murray Newlands:
In today’s episode of our podcast, we meet Jonathan Siddharth, CEO and Co-Founder of Turing. Jonathan built his last successful company, Rover, using remote, distributed teams. His new company, Turing, is based upon the idea that talent is global, while opportunities are not. Please tune in to discover how to hire remote employees and what it takes to build your company with a fully distributed team.
About the Boundaryless Remote Distributed Teams Podcast:
The world has changed. In the past, companies were built with locally-hired teams, operating out of the same office. But today, entrenched competition, brutal commutes, exorbitant real-estate prices and more global distribution of talent have upended this practice. Now, billion-dollar companies are now created with teams working remotely and distributed all around the world. Creating #boundaryless companies is hard but we will give you the tools to succeed.
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