Guide to build an impeccable Ruby on Rails resume

Don’t let a poor resume reduce the chances of your employment. Build a solid resume through our guide to land your next dream job.

Though many people have perceived Ruby on Rails as dead, that is not the case, and Ruby on rails is still going strong. The job market for ruby is still growing big. So, if you are a Ruby on Rails developer, the job market is pretty warmed up for you. Though there are plenty of jobs, your success is dependent on a solid resume.

So there is no doubt that you need a heavy weightage resume to get a job.

This guide by Turing is meant for that one purpose, i.e., to make a perfect resume for one of your dream Ruby on Rails developer jobs.

1. Specific details

Specific details

You should be very specific while writing your resume, do not go on writing vague stories. It should be very short and crisp that can convey your worth to the recruiter easily. You should put your strengths first in the resume. Your recruiter may have a very short attention span so we have to grab his eyebrows from the first line in your resume. At a glance, he/she should get the reason why they need to hire you.

Always use a uniform sentence structure without jargon and fancy vocabulary. At last, he will give you the job if you can convince him that you can add value to the company. Your resume length does not dictate the decision of your recruiter.

2. Keywords in your Ruby on Rails developer resume

Keywords help your resume to stand out and pass from the ATS smoothly. ATS software parses the resume and makes some insights for the hiring managers or even rejects the resume. So, to ensure your resume reaches the hiring manager and you get to the interview stage, include appropriate keywords.

You can use this technique to find unique keywords for the resume:-

  • Scan the job advertisement thoroughly and read every line meticulously.
  • Look for job-related keywords. These words are added to the skills section of your resume. Screen the job advertisement for their requirements and the type of candidate they are looking for. Add those skills and phrases to your resume. It will make the hiring manager curious to know more about you and the ATS will also send your application forward.
  • You also need to find the appropriate action verbs. These words are contextual, so that means the exact will not be there in the job advertisement. For example, if they need a Ruby on Rails developer in the organization whose function is to lead the team, you can use words such as managed, planned, maximized, lead, etc. in your resume. You can use them in the summary or job description for your previous roles.

3. The headline of the resume

Under your name, never forget to write a headline for your resume which describes you and your overall experience. A headline does not need much effort. For example “Certified Ruby on Rails developer” or anything that seems professional and highlights your USP.

4. Summarise your resume and flaunt your work

Summarise your resume and flaunt your work

Writing a summary of your resume is very important because it sums up your skill and work experience plus some extra information that cannot fit anywhere else in your resume. You can start the resume summary like a resume and tell your story. Also, keep in mind that you have other sections to cover so don’t write lengthy sentences. Write quick short sentences which are engaging and do not bore the reader.
It is advisable to use action verbs and emotive in this section.

Use relevant numbers to quantify your resume with solid numbers as it increases your chances to land a great impact and increase your probability of getting hired. In this section, list all the achievements and work experience you have accumulated in your previous organizations.

5. Skills required to be a Ruby on Rails developer

Skills required to be a Ruby on Rails developer

There is a specific set of skills required for Ruby on Rails developers as for any other job. You need to be an expert in the skill set and highlight the same in your resume. If you are not highlighting your USP in your resume, it will not serve to convince the hiring manager and get employed.
As Ruby on Rails is mainly used for web development, knowledge of the front development technologies is essential.

These are the primary and secondary skills that are essential for a Ruby on Rails developer job:-

  • MVC architecture:- It is a software building pattern that divides the program logic into three interrelated logics. Ruby on Rails uses this architecture. Having the fundamental knowledge of RoR makes a developer comfortable with problem-solving within the development environment because he knows the basic architecture on which RoR is functioning.
  • Front-end development skills:- You need these skills because you need control over how your website will appear to the users. So, you must have experience working with technologies such as HTML and JavaScript.
  • Database skills:- Website and application development need a database because they cannot function without the same. So you need to know about these database technologies like SQL, PostgreSQL/MySQL, etc.
  • GIT:- A website development process needs a lot of resources so you need to understand the version control system.
  • CI, Docker, and Heroku:- These are the systems that are commonly used to deploy web applications. So you need to know those as well to be a competent Ruby developer.

So these are some of the skills that are essential for being a professional Ruby on Rails developer.

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6. Formatting of the resume

The formatting of the resume is very important because it will decide the basic structure of the resume. It is the essence and the message you want to convey to the recruiter.

So these are the three basic formats we use to make the resume.

  • Chronological resume: This resume focuses on work experience and is best for people without career gaps and freshers who are just joining the company.
  • Functional resume:- A functional resume focuses on the skill rather than work experience. In this format of resume making, we list our projects and accomplishments under the relevant skills section.
  • Combination resume:- Skills and work experience section holds equal importance in this type of resume. So this is the reason that this format is best for everyone out there either fresher or experienced.

When we make the resume we can make our content according to the formats we have listed or you can make a design unique to yourself. Experimentation is good but be careful and do your labor of research.

7. Include academic qualifications

Include academic qualifications

Always mention the educational qualifications you have gathered over the years because it will help you to make your skills more solidified along with a portfolio. If you don’t mention the educational experience in your resume, then it will reduce the chances of your employment. Having a lot many certifications does not matter but having relevant education which helps you to enhance your skills does matter.

8. A video introduction of yourself

In the world of business and services, numbers can make a huge difference. They not only increase your chances but also show that you are capable of quantifying qualitative work. Support your years of experience working with clients or companies and the skills you’ve used with numerical to make a better impact with your Angular developer resume.

Also, try to include your personal achievements and side projects in your Angular developer resume; such information adds value to the application and increases the chances of selection. Just keep in mind to keep your resume crisp and to the point.

9. Showcase your skills

Always mention your skills in your resume because it will help to establish your expertise in the particular field. A separate column of technical skills is very important.

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Build your Ruby on Rails developer resume with Turing’s deep developer profile

If resumes have been holding you back from securing the best Ruby on Rails developer jobs with US giants, then it is time to fine-tune the approach. In spite of the required skillset and relevant experience opportunities will keep passing by without a good resume.

Turing is committed to helping professionals in preparing state-of-the-art Ruby on Rails developer resumes using a deep developer profile. The only thing you need to do is ace Turing’s coding challenge and attend the interview. Turing resumes validate your skillset and help to secure the best opportunities with top Silicon Valley and US-based companies.

Hundreds of specialists are already onboard with team Turing is attracting elite clients year-round. Turing has managed to streamline the demand of modern software engineers using its cutting-edge deep developer profiles.

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Frequently Asked Questions

A Ruby on Rails developer is responsible for writing server-side web application logic in Ruby, around the framework Rails. Ruby on Rails developers usually develop back-end components, connect the application with the other (often third-party) web services, and support the front-end developers by integrating their work with the application.

To find success with Ruby on Rails developer jobs, you’ll need to be good with different sets of technologies. So your primary skillset should include experience like MVC Architecture, Active Record, JavaScript, HTML, SQL, PostgreSQL/MySQL, etc.

CSS, HTML, and JavaScript are the technologies you need to learn to become a front-end developer. Since Ruby on Rails is a full-stack framework that covers backend (what happens on the server) as well as front-end web development (what happens in the browser), it's important to start with the front-end basics.

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