In our Life at Turing series, we spoke to Nigeria’s Joy to get her review of and understand how remote work is allowing her to enjoy life more.
The often glorified culture of overworking has brought hardships and disrupted work-life balance for countless around the world. No wonder everybody loves to have a job that gives them the opportunity to work happily and the freedom to live their lives., as a deep jobs platform, is committed to enriching the lives of its people while allowing them to work on long-term projects with top software companies. To get a clearer understanding of how people at Turing love their jobs, we reach out to Turing employees from around the globe to listen to their stories and experiences.
In this blog post, we spoke to Nigeria’s Joy, who has been working with Turing since December 2020, about how she thinks about Turing as an organization and what she likes/dislikes about us.
Speaking about the change that she has noticed in her life after joining Turing, Joy said, “With Turing, I’m able to maintain sufficient work-life balance, engage with hobbies and a lot of personal tasks with ease.”
On being asked what motivated her to select Turing as her place of work, Joy mentioned that she was seeking new and better opportunities that would help to grow as a professional working with an international organization. And when she came to know about the boundaryless concept, she happily accepted the offer.
Joy also touched upon the compensation part as she gave her review about the salary structure. She happily mentioned that Turing offers excellent compensation and ‘definitely better than local salaries’ in her vicinity.
But a workplace is not just about money. When asked whether she feels valued as a professional at Turing, Joy replied saying her journey with Turing has so far been splendid with no signs of negativity at all.
On the subject of equal opportunity to women, Joy said, “At Turing, the opportunities are endless for both genders.” I’ll always recommend Turing to my friends, she said.
Finally, summing up her journey so far at Turing, she gave us a 10 out of 10.
Related Post – Reviews From Around The World – 2022 Edition
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