While it might take anywhere from two weeks to a little over a month to really understand CSS and HTML, it might take much longer to learn and be fully equipped with JavaScript. The best way to go about it is to really take it one day at a time! This article will offer you an in-depth understanding of JavaScript and how you can master it in three months, and will unveil some of the best JavaScript courses available today!
- Introduction
- Understanding JavaScript & Frameworks
- Best Ways to Learn JavaScript Fast
- Final Words
JavaScript is one of the most commonly used languages in the realm of information technology today and is the sole reason why your websites and pages are supremely interactive. Along with CSS and HTML, JavaScript is truly a stunning language to learn, which is a must for all web developers and IT professionals. It is basically a benchmark that leads you to further bigger things in the industry. However, unlike CSS and HTML, JavaScript is not something that can be aced in just two weeks. But, it can be done in just three months! Most employers will be happy to hire you as their web developers if you just master some of the JavaScript basics.
Of course, learning never stops. After three months, you will still be learning newer things that will obviously make you a better developer.
JavaScript is really a cornerstone in web technology today; the other two pillars are CSS and HTML. While CSS styles the pages, it is HTML that gives it a structure. JavaScript ties everything together and adds the missing interactivity to those web pages.
A huge number of websites are using JavaScript today and most web browsers are fully equipped with dedicated engines to execute the same.
Now, let’s understand what JavaScript frameworks are.
JavaScript framework is nothing but a vast collection of all the code libraries that contain all the pre-written JavaScript codes, all set to be used during various features and tasks.
The frameworks are working behind the scenes to expedite all of the development processes and are actually able to do a pretty good job on their own, as far as their responsibilities are concerned.
Being a part of the IT realm, you must be familiar with a few of these frameworks, such as Angular, Vue, MeteorJS, and React.
The best way to learn JavaScript and get started is to have a deep understanding of syntax.
To excel here, you need to start learning what do the following things mean and entail:
Once you are pretty familiar with all of these terms, you are equipped with truly building something. You can start by writing a “Hello World” webpage or create an entire contact form with just the basic information. Doing this will help you appreciate the bigger picture and push you to put this newly acquired knowledge to use.
If you are feeling a bit more confident, you can solve a few problems on topics you are great at. For instance, you can create calculator-based applications if you feel you are good at math. You can create a landing page to generate more leads if you are good at marketing and much more.
The primary goal here being you are trying to solve some real-world problems here.
Of course, the first thing that was going to be here was the internet. The internet truly is a modern-day library, a repository of all kinds of knowledge. And who better to turn to than the world wide web to learn JavaScript in three months?
If you do not have time to get yourself enrolled in any kind of classes, turn to the power of the internet for that much-needed dose of self-guided learning.
There are plenty of flexible programs and online courses that are right for you! And the good news is that most of these learning programs are free. However, not all free things can be equated to good, so beware of what and from where you are learning.
Introduction to JavaScript by FreeCodeCamp
This free course is intended for budding programmers who do not have access to all the knowledge base when it comes to JavaScript. All of the classes in this course are conducted in the context of web scripting, JavaScript objects, loops, data types, etc.
There is also a coding test at the end of every unit in this incredible course that offers all its students a means to demonstrate what they have learned and reinforce their knowledge.
Intro to JS - Drawing & animation by Khan Academy
Another powerful free course, this unique course aims at teaching budding programmers and developers various JavaScript-based animations and illustrations. All of the structures, the lessons, and the course curriculum, everything is divided into videos, exercises, and learning guides.
JavaScript guide by Mozilla development network
Mozilla’s free JavaScript course is not exactly a course like the other two are but no less than them! This “guide” will offer its students a comprehensive range of tutorials that will allow developers across all learning verticals to really get a grasp of JavaScript and its capabilities. All the guides presented here by Mozilla are divided into four different categories that aim at targeting amateur programmers, beginners, intermediate, and even expert programmers.
Modern JavaScript from the beginning by Udemy
An on-demand paid JavaScript course by Udemy offers beginners an in-depth understanding of the language and all its intricacies across 20 different videos. The course even comes with its own dedicated library containing different JavaScript resources that you can download easily. You can progress through these 20 videos at your own pace and access all the material through any of your devices.
Introduction to JavaScript by Codecademy
Another mind-blowing paid course, Introduction To JavaScript by Codecademy offers students an in-depth understanding of the basics of JavaScript. The course aims at laying a great foundation for all beginners and is educated vastly on data types, functions, objects as well as loops and flows. The course even comes with extraordinary quizzes that can be done after you are done with your lessons and exercises that help you reinforce whatever you’ve learned so far during the course.
The web is full of free JavaScript courses, however, one should be cautious about choosing the right JavaScript online course. Here is a list of JavaScript online certifications that you can achieve:
Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA) Exam 70-480: Programming in HTML5 & JavaScript & CSS3
This certification is strictly for the intermediate-level JavaScript developer. Candidates for this exam are suggested to have at least 1 year of development experience with HTML.
This JavaScript online course and certification is crafted for those who are looking to have a career in the Microsoft technologies domain. This exam tests candidates' fundamental skills in web application apart from programming skills in either C or ASP.NET MVC web applications.
Passing this certificate requires these two easy steps-
Certified JavaScript developer by International JavaScript Institute
This certificate course requires more advanced level JavaScript expertise to crack. The certificate is designed to address the need of not just the IT professionals like- web developers, and software developers, but also the industry. The certification helps in learning and improving skills by and large.
The International JavaScript Institute, itself provides free JavaScript course learning materials- JavaScript tutorials and exercises on its website. This material contains concepts from very basic to advanced levels in one place. It is highly recommended for candidates to go through the sample questions/exercises as well, before sitting for the real exam.
To ease things up, just follow these two basic steps-
If you are keen on having books be your best friend during this journey on the best way to learn JavaScript, here are a few titles you can rely on to learn the language quickly.
Books like JavaScript for Kids are amazing for adults who are keen on learning more about the language in a playful manner. The book is pretty simple, easy to comprehend, and digestible. Other great books include the titles You Don’t Know JS: Up & Going and Eloquent JavaScript: A Modern Introduction To Programming.
If the self-teaching route is not for you, you might want to head straight to coding boot camps. You probably are acquainted with all the theoretical knowledge and are just looking to enhance your practical skills. You are bound to get all the guidance and support you need in boot camps! Want another reason to really join these? You even get certificates upon completing them.
Coding boot camps are an educational forefront that helps get the much-needed marketable skills most easily and quickly possible. An average boot camp can run anywhere from a few weeks to a few months, depending on their overall schedules.
Their short timeline makes them the best way to learn JavaScript to really get your skills acquainted with the recent industry trends.
Boot camps allow people to learn JavaScript easily without taking a break from whatever they are doing!
Though there is no set time frame when it comes to capturing the essence of the best JavaScript courses or ways to learn the language, dedication and discipline play a major role. The total time taken to learn the language will also depend clearly on your skillset, your experience, and the amount of time you can spare. You really can streamline your learning in three months by following this guide.