Do Software Engineers Prefer to Work Remotely in 2025? A Deep Dive

girl working remotely

The majority of software developers work from home, with 86% currently working entirely remotely. Since the pandemic, the number of remote software engineer job roles has soared, and at least two-thirds of developers want it to continue that way in the future. Work-from-home culture is here to stay and is flourishing in the development community.

The IT business was an early user of work-from-home opportunities. Many people would work remotely at least once or twice a week, and few worked entirely from home. However, the pandemic accelerated this trend, and more individuals were accustomed to working in remote software engineer jobs 100% of the time. Many developers do not want to return to work every day after realizing how much time and money they have saved.

Working from home is a global trend. In the United States, 4.7 million employees currently report working from home at least half of the time, and 70% of full-time professionals work in remote software engineer jobs on occasion.
Looking at the trends since the pandemic, will software engineers prefer to work remotely? Yes. Let’s find out why!

Can Software Engineers Work from Home?

Working from a laptop has always had significant advantages in terms of being location-independent. However, it was generally the firm’s attitude that kept individuals from working from home more frequently. The epidemic spurred corporations to act, and everyone discovered that output had not suffered.

In reality, most people reported feeling more productive from home, and businesses have reaped the benefits. Returning to work has been a source of controversy in many workplaces. Software engineers, rightfully, argue that there is no need for them to be in the office every day. Some recruiters are even recruiting talent from organizations that make forced office employment necessary.

  • Working from home is here to stay
    The fact is that working-from-home software developers are here to stay, and the tide has shifted in their favor. A third of developers want to work in remote engineering jobs all of the time, while 71% prefer a mix of home and office work.

The most significant number, though, is that one in every three developers would quit their positions if they could no longer work from home — with a further 18% unsure. Companies that hire remote developers will have to accommodate a massive shift in attitudes to keep their employees happy.

Only a quarter of businesses worldwide are entirely into remote software engineer jobs, indicating that some work is still to be done. However, after working in remote software engineer jobs for two years, people have more than demonstrated that it is possible to do so with no detrimental consequence.

Many organizations are already reporting record profits after a long time of remote software engineering jobs, proving that being confined to a desk does not equate to a well-functioning team.
It also appears that many firms handled the transition to remote work well—the majority of engineers think their company adapted well to remote work. As a result of these favorable findings, 76% of engineers would be OK working entirely in virtual software engineering jobs 60% of the time or more.

  • Returning to work
    Many businesses have chosen a gradual approach to return to work. Some people are concerned about returning to a congested office for health concerns, while others just like the additional time and money they save. Commuting is expensive; therefore, avoiding it is beneficial to the budget.

The majority of employees who work from home have returned to the workplace, with many going in at least once a week. One or two days per week appears to be the optimal dose for most knowledge workers, not just those in software development. Nearly 80% of individuals say they feel more involved at work, so it's no wonder that people need human connection.

It's worth noting that 57% of developers prefer working from home full-time, so businesses will almost certainly have to accommodate this in the future.

Why do software engineers prefer to work remotely?

Working from home saves time and money, enhances productivity, and boosts overall satisfaction. Sixty-six % of software developers now want to work from home full-time. The epidemic has shown many developers that they do not need to come into the office every day to collaborate well as a team.

remote software engineer jobs

The urge to work from home is not difficult to understand. Most people save a significant amount of money while spending more time with their loved ones. But first, let's look at the primary reasons why software developers work from home.

  • Productivity: Management's aversion to working from home was premised on the idea that employees would be less productive. The concern was that no work would be completed and employees would fail to produce as promised. However, the reverse has occurred. When working in remote software engineer jobs, 90 % of employees say they are as productive or more productive.

There will be less time for chit-chatting with co-workers without an office and wasting time in meetings. It means there will be fewer individuals popping by to ask odd questions or disrupt your flow. Companies have received the benefits.

Profit margins in the United States have reached levels not seen since the 1950s. Programmers and other professionals have been giving enormous value to businesses, which is reflected in their bottom line.

  • Happiness: Commuting is a stressful experience. To save money, you must either take public transportation or drive through hours of traffic. Your anger may have flared a few times on the way in by the time you arrive at the workplace.

It's no surprise that 84 % of employees believe that working in remote software engineer jobs long-term will make them happier, with many prepared to take a wage reduction to do so. People have realised that earning a little more money isn't worth going in every day.

  • Time and Money: Working from home allows you to save a significant amount of time and money. The days of expensive one- or two-hour journeys are over. You can forget to bring petrol for your car or money for the transport. Instead, open your laptop a few minutes before work and get started — the difference is astounding.

People now have far greater control over their own life. When you have an additional couple of hours each day to spare, it's simpler to pick up hobbies or visit friends throughout the week. The option to save money rather than spend it on transportation has been transformative for the frugal.

Re-emergence of Remote Work

Although working from home appears to be a recent notion, it was prevalent prior to the industrial revolution. Most tradespeople worked from their homes, such as blacksmiths, tailors, and potters. When machines and automation were introduced into production, onsite personnel were necessary to guarantee that operations ran smoothly. The eight-hour workday arose as a result of the economic boom that followed World War II.

As computer and network technology advanced, an increasing number of individuals began to own personal computers and had access to the internet, opening the path for remote software engineering jobs. According to Upwork's Future Workforce Pulse Report, a poll of hiring managers, 36.2 million Americans would work remotely by 2025, representing an 87% increase over pre-pandemic levels.

 remote software engineering jobs

How can Software Engineers Work Remotely?

Of all occupations, software engineering is one of the best for working from home. Remote software engineering work is very much possible if you have the correct skill sets and equipment. There are a few issues with remote software engineering jobs that developers should be aware of:

  • Manage your workflow: This concept is critical for sustaining a productive at-home work environment. Controlling your workflow includes meticulously preparing the incremental actions required to complete your role's responsibilities. Project management solutions such as Monday. com, Asana, Trello, and others may assist you in completing all of your duties completely and on schedule.
  • Communicate effectively: The undesirable downside of virtual software engineering jobs is the inability to connect with co-workers in person promptly. To compensate for the absence of face-you-face connection, be sure to check in with your supervisor and team members regularly via email or zoom.
  • Keep Working Hours and Leisure Time Separated: Separate your work hours from your spare time. This point is critical for keeping a productive schedule and completing your duties.
  • Limit Your Phone Time: Let's be honest. Everyone uses social media. These platforms may be great places to interact with friends and family, but they can also be a source of distraction. To drown out the noise, limit your phone use and turn off alerts.
  • Stand up and Stretch: When you work at an office or at home, you are most likely sitting for most of the day. With 3.2 million fatalities caused by physical inactivity each year, sitting for eight to twelve hours a day can cause considerable bodily injury. Set the alarm for every 30 minutes to remind you to stand and stretch or get up and go for a brief stroll.
  • Maintain your schedule: When it comes to working in remote engineer jobs, consistency is essential, and keeping to a set schedule is a great way to achieve it. If your workday begins at 10 a.m. and ends at 1 p.m., commit to sticking to this schedule every day. Following a regular schedule will make you more productive and less anxious.

Why should businesses move to the remote employee model?

The State of Remote Engineering study emphasizes the need to consider full-time remote engineering jobs as a realistic option for prospective hirees. Some U.S based corporations have historically flown in overseas talent to fill engineering labor shortages. Nonetheless, the desire to relocate to the United States to work is declining.

In fact, 39% of engineers had no desire to relocate to the United States for work. Engineers cite wild politics, gun violence and safety concerns, racism, and coronavirus mismanagement as reasons not to go to the United States. The notion that employees must remain physically close to a company's headquarters is changing; as a result, organizations will have to move where the current talent already resides.

Furthermore, engineers now have greater bargaining power than in the past. "The age of employee choice is here," stated Terminal CEO Clay Kellogg. If we're in a seller's market, engineers will benefit. With increased negotiating power, remote engineering jobs demand equal compensation regardless of their location. The survey discovered that, on average, engineers are not in favor of location-based wages; 49% said they would accept a location-based income only if their cost of living was reduced by 20%.

Teams are exploring innovative methods to sustain culture and combat burnout and give competitive compensation. For example, 55% of engineers believe that virtual get-togethers such as happy hours and social events assist in preventing burnout. With these results in mind, businesses should consider implementing a work-from-anywhere policy whenever practical, and provide additional benefits and support for remote workers to recruit more technical talent.

The New Normal: Remote Work

The new normal has significantly altered the status quo. According to the statistics, 86% of engineers work entirely in remote software engineer jobs. This is in sharp contrast to pre-pandemic figures, which indicated that 19% of people worked remotely 100% of the time.

Many of these employees would wish to retain the current working conditions and standards in place in the future. According to the report, 80% of engineers polled desire the choice of working from home and the office, and one in three wants to work in remote engineering jobs 100% of the time.

Engineers prefer the flexibility of remote work versus the regular workplace for a variety of reasons. For one thing, there is no need to commute, which saves both time and energy. Engineers also mention a better work-life balance and value the additional autonomy.

It also appears that many firms that handled the transition to remote engineering jobs work well—74% of engineers think their company adapted well to remote work. As a result of these favorable findings, the majority of engineers would be fine working entirely remote 60 % of the time or more.

Remote work not only helps software developers, but it may also improve productivity and help businesses meet their objectives. When working from home, 70% of engineers polled said they are more productive since there are fewer distractions at work.

This new normal, however, is not without its consequences. As the conventional corporate firewall deteriorates, CISOs face a dilemma: how to strike the right balance between providing new IT freedom and locking down systems and restricting access to embrace a zero-trust attitude.


Remote work is here to stay. It does increase productivity, saves time and energy. To work as a remote software engineer, it is necessary to manage your work flow and various apps like Asana, Trello and others can help you in meeting your deadlines.

Effective communication with co-workers assists software developers streamlining ongoing processes and avoiding lack of interaction as people work in different time zones. The most important reason why engineers prefer remote work is you can maintain a work life balance by keeping working hours and leisure time separate. Working from the comfort of your home is the new normal!


  • Author Bio: Radhika Vyas

    Radhika Vyas

    Radhika is a Content Writer who enjoys learning new things and writing about them. You can almost always find her with her adorable Labrador retriever, Cooper if she isn't spending time with her friends and family.

Frequently Asked Questions

YES. In this post covid world, companies have realized that programmers working from home have not only benefitted the employees but also the company. They don’t have to spend money on infrastructure, rent, equipment, etc.

Surprisingly, on accounts on various surveys, it has been found that more than 80% of software engineers are working remotely. The number has dramatically changed post covid where earlier it was closer to just 20%.

Working remotely has many benefits for the employee as well as the company. Employees have more flexibility in their work, can spend more time with their family, enjoy good mental health, etc, while the company doesn’t have to spend money on infrastructure, rent, equipment, etc.

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