

How to Slice NumPy Arrays for Machine Learning Using Python

How to Slice NumPy Arrays for Machine Learning Using Python


  • How to Slice NumPy Arrays for Machine Learning Using Python

    Mary Kariuki

    Mary Kariuki is an upcoming machine learning specialist who has a great passion in machine learning. She is a technical writer in various public forums where she has written several blogs related to machine learning using python.

Frequently Asked Questions

It is a fundamental package in Python that’s used for working with arrays.

Slicing is extracting elements from an array while indexing is accessing the elements in an array.

It means Numerical Python.

You can slice multiple elements by specifying the index range, i.e., the starting value and the ending value. This can be done in one dimension by slicing any of the elements from that array. For instance, the second, third or even the fifth element

NumPy arrays are faster compared to Python lists since they are stored in contiguous memory locations unlike lists which are stored in non-contiguous memory locations.

To slice a column that has all its rows, we include a semicolon at the starting index which indicates that all rows in that column are selected. Then, we specify the ending index which represents the column we want to slice.

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