How to Concatenate Two Strings in JavaScript

Your Guide to String Concatenation in JavaScript.


  • How to Concatenate Two Strings in JavaScript

    Onwuemene Joshua

    Joshua is a frontend developer, a WordPress developer and a Technical writer. He has collaborated on projects which required his Html, CSS/SASS, TailwindCSS and JavaScript skills. He writes on frontend development explaining difficult concepts in a beginner-friendly manner.

Frequently Asked Questions

There is no best concatenation method to use as every developer’s tastes are different. You should use the one that you understand and is appropriate for the situation.

Concatenation is a programming term that refers to combining more than one value into one value. This allows a programmer to combine more than one string of text into one text.

The definition of concatenation means the same thing for both string and array. The slight difference is in the method used to concatenate them. However, some methods to concatenate strings can also be used to concatenate arrays.

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