How to Debug React Code: Tips and Tricks for Developers
Timonwa Akintokun
Timonwa is a front-end engineer and technical writer who excels at both development and communication. She has a love for learning and sharing knowledge, and is always seeking out new opportunities to grow and share her expertise.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is my React component not rendering?
There could be several reasons for this issue, namely incorrect import/export statements, missing or misspelled component names, or incorrect usage of JSX syntax. Double-check your code for errors, review your component hierarchy, and verify that you have rendered the component using the correct syntax.
How can I debug "undefined" or "null" errors in React?
"Undefined" or "null" errors in React can occur when accessing properties or methods on undefined or null values. You can use the JavaScript debugger to set breakpoints and inspect the variables in your code to identify where the issue is occurring. Additionally, you can use conditional rendering and nullish coalescing (??) or optional chaining (?.) operators to handle cases where values might be undefined or null.
How can I debug my React app in the browser?
React DevTools is a popular browser extension that allows you to inspect, debug, and profile your React applications. You can use it to inspect the component tree, check its props and state, and view the React component's lifecycle hooks. Additionally, you can use console.log() statements, debugging breakpoints, and the debugger; statement in your code to investigate and fix issues.
How do you debug React with breakpoints?
You can use the browser's developer tools to debug React with breakpoints. Go to the sources tab in the browser's developer tools to view your code, then on the left bar showing line numbers, click on the line of code you want to debug using breakpoint. On the right, you will see a Breakpoint tab that lists all the current breakpoints you have created. After that, reload the page so the code can run again. On new loading, the code will pause its execution at the breakpoints you have set. Clicking on the play button tells the browser to continue executing the code.
How do I handle "props" in React?
Props (short for properties) are used to pass data from a parent component to a child component in React. To handle props, you can define prop types using PropTypes or TypeScript, validate the props being passed to a component, and use destructuring to access the props in the child component. If you encounter issues with props not being passed correctly, check the prop names, data types, and usage in both the parent and child components.
How do I debug React in VS Code?
To debug in VS Code, click on the Debug icon on the left sidebar in your VS code to open the debug menu. Click on the Run and Debug button and choose an environment you want to run your debugger in. VS Code will create a configuration file for you. After that, click the Run or Play button.