Profiling Python Code: Best Profiling Tools You Should Know

Python profiler

Frequently Asked Questions

One of the best profiling tools helps to analyze which part of the program or code takes more time. It traces every function call in your program to find out the ones called most often. This makes it a deterministic profiler which means if it is run with the same inputs again, the outputs will be the same. By default, it measures the wall clock time.

For windows, you can go to the location where Pycharm is installed. Go to the bin directory and open file pycharm64.exe.vmoptions.Herein change the value for -Xmx750m by -Xmx1024m or -Xmx2048m depending upon your requirement. Restart Pycharm and you are done. Alternatively, you can do this internally from IDE Pycharm itself. Go to Help ->Find Action ->Edit Custom VM option where you will be able to change the values.

To analyse how effective your Python code is performing, code profiling tools are used. They measure the effectiveness of your code by measuring the time it takes your methods to run. This also includes the amount of CPU and memory usage.

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