Top Books on React Native Every Software Developer Should Read
Dharani Shivakumar
Dharani is a Technical content writer, wrote and published 250+ technical documents over the internet for the past 5 years. She loves to use pen and keypads to write valuable contents that provides awesome reading experience!
Frequently Asked Questions
Should I learn React online or through a book?
It will be better if you learn React from both book and online courses. You can learn React from an online course, but you can get an in-depth concepts from a book.
How long does it take to learn React Native?
Typically, if you want to master React Native you have to learn the language for about 1 to 12 months. It completely depends on the scale of knowledge you have on JavaScript programming and your training.
What is React Native used for?
React Native is a popular UI software framework that helps you create native apps and software without compromising the user experience. It contains the best class JavaScript library that helps you build error-less user interfaces like developing a new project from scratch. You can also develop existing Android or iOS projects with the help of React Native concepts.
What is the best React Native book?
Here are 5 best React Native books:
Hands-On Design Patterns with React Native: Proven techniques and patterns for efficient native mobile development with JavaScript
React Native Cookbook - Second Edition
JavaScript Everywhere: Building Cross-Platform Applications with GraphQL, React, React Native, and Electron 1st Edition
Learning React Native: Building Native Mobile Apps with Javascript