The Ultimate Guide to Java Development Kit

java development kit


  • The Ultimate Guide to Java Development Kit


    Mohit is an Engineer turned tech blogger. He loves to dive deep into the tech space and has been doing it for the last 3 years now. He calls himself a cinephile and plays badminton whenever he gets time.

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Java Development Kit (JDK) is a cross-platform software development kit used for developing Java applications and applets. It includes the Java Runtime Environment (JRE), a compiler (javac), an interpreter/loader (java), an archiver (jar), a documentation generator (Javadoc), debugger (jdb), and other tools needed for java development.

JDK is a software development kit provided by Oracle and JRE is a software bundle that allows Java programs to run, whereas JVM is just an environment that executes bytecode. JDK stands for Java Development Kit, while the full form of JRE is Java Runtime Environment, while JVM stands for Java Virtual Machine.

Anyone can download Java SE Development Kit by heading over to the official website of Oracle and navigating to the downloads page.

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