12 Reasons Why HR Outsourcing Is Beneficial for Businesses

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6 min read

  • Hiring vetted talent

The process of sourcing, vetting, hiring, and managing qualified job candidates, whether offline or online, is known as human resource recruitment. Whereas outsourcing is a practice of contracting out work normally done by employees of an organization to independent third parties. In simple terms, it means hiring someone else to do the job for you. Recent studies reveal human resource outsourcing (HRO) has been the most chosen form of outsourcing; let's know why!

HR outsourcing refers to hiring external firms to perform certain recruitment-related tasks for your company. These tasks may include recruiting, payroll, benefits administration, IT services, etc. In this article, we will explore the reasons why businesses benefit from outsourcing their HR functions.

Reasons to outsource the HR process

In this digital era, advanced technology has revolutionized the outsourcing process. Organizations can now outsource their services with just a tap of a button through their digital devices. In most outsourcing cases, service providers often provide their own staff or employees who will work with you directly.

Let’s have a look at a few of the benefits of HR outsourcing:

Reduced costs

Many companies have been outsourcing their Human Resources (HR) processes due to cost savings. Since such service providers already have a pool of talented employees, deep industry knowledge, and the latest technologies to give the result your business needs, they are highly preferred. You don’t need to invest a lot of effort or resources; in fact, you can utilize this capital for the priority needs of the business for sustainable growth.

Saves time

Another benefit of outsourcing your HR process is saving time. With outsourcing, you can delegate the hiring process to a third-party HR service provider who is more experienced or knowledgeable to handle the task. They take charge of the process right from filtering resumes based on keywords, interviewing candidates, and utilizing online job boards to find qualified applicants. Although you can partake in the final screening before you onboard a candidate, this ensures that you’ve hired the right professional.

Get the best talent

One thing that businesses always struggle with is finding the right people. Whether it’s salespeople, managers, or engineers, you want to ensure that you hire the best employees. Outsourcing HR processes can exceptionally curtail the challenges of finding talented professionals who meet your requirements. Having an external service handle your HR process means that they will know what works best for your business and how to create a successful hiring strategy. Simply put, human resource outsourcing simplifies the recruiting and onboarding process while ensuring you hire the best candidate out there.

Key to growth and scalability

Outsourcing your HR process doesn’t only help you save resources but also assists in expanding your business. With the burden of hiring and managing in-house full-time employees, you can entrust the outsourced HR service provider to recruit the best talent across the world. While you focus your efforts on core business tasks.

Quality control

Another benefit of HR outsourcing is that you will no longer need to worry about quality control. It's all in the hands of the third-party tools and services that you will choose to outsource HR processes. As they’ll take care of getting you quality hires, you’ll not need to hire someone internally just to ensure that your project runs smoothly.

Payroll administration

Payroll processing and administration is a common HR function that every business needs. In fact, for large enterprises, the entire payroll checklist can be a full-time job in itself. So, when you outsource HR, the service provider will manage this process, including time-tracking, benefit deductions, payroll tax filing, reporting, and more.


Outsourcing human resources can sometimes be just more than hiring an employee. These companies may also make the new hires on board smoothly by taking charge of the orientation, ice-breaking sessions, training sessions, etc. Consequently, you just need to do the final screening of your new employee, and they will be onboarded and ready to take up the mantle.


Supplying to fluctuating demands can be frustrating at times and not to mention costly. But outsourcing can easily enable you to hire the right professional to cope with such changes. Additionally, it allows you to maintain a budget that is low, predictable, and efficient.

The paperwork that goes through hiring a new employee is quite tedious; an outsourced HR service can easily simplify the process, especially if you are a large organization. An HRO company can keep you in line with legal compliance in terms of employment law.

Employee relations

Outsourcing also allows companies to manage conflicts and create company policies without needing a full-time HR team. A competent outsourced HR team can tend to internal employee conflicts and address their concerns, in turn, building a positive relationship between the company and its employees. This can significantly lower the employee turnover rate.

Remote hiring

Most companies have turned towards remote hiring. In fact, several stats reveal that remote workers tend to be more productive than those who are working from an office. The reason behind this is simple: they have a better work-life balance. After all, they aren’t spending half of their day commuting and have more time to do things outside of work. This lets the employee maintain a healthy work-life balance leading to improved mental and physical health.

Reduce turnover rate

Employees onboarded through outsourced hiring will be a sustainable option for your company. An outsourced expert HR team would eloquently communicate the company details, salary benefits, policies, etc. In fact, the team will also work on maintaining a healthy and positive employee-employer relationship, resulting in a reduced turnover rate.

HR functions that can be outsourced

When you manage your own HR processes, you will always be worried about whether or not you’ve done things right. This can divert your focus from other high-value aspects of your business. Outsourcing your HR process eliminates such issues.

Here are the HR functions that you can outsource:

  • HR Recruitment - Recruiting and selecting employees is a significant part of HR operations. An outsourced HR company can help organizations find skill-specific and suitable candidates for positions they need for their business.
  • HR Management - Outsourced HR firms can effectively manage employee training, availing benefits and compensation based on performance, termination, etc.
  • HR Administration - Administering various employee needs can be done using various third-party consultants.

Takeaways to getting your HR outsourcing started

According to a poll by Deloitte, 78% of respondents feel favorable about outsourcing relationships with other businesses. Outsourcing is not all about cost reduction. It can also lead to higher profits.

As discussed above, there are several advantages of HRO. The major one is employer satisfaction and high retention, creating a win-win situation for both parties. Another benefit is that HROs help improve organizational efficiency. They provide expertise and experience in various fields.

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