How Does a Smart Contract Work in Blockchain Using Vyper?
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Frequently Asked Questions
What is a smart contract?
A smart contract is a digital agreement that stores rules for negotiating the terms of the contract, automatically verifies the fulfillment, and then executes the agreed terms.
How do you deploy a Vyper smart contract?
Remix IDE is used to compile and deploy a Vyper smart contract remotely.
What is Vyper in blockchain?
Vyper is a popular programming language used to write smart contracts. It is based on Python.
How does smart contract interact with blockchain?
A smart contract is a program that is stored on the blockchain and executes an agreement after verifying that certain conditions are met. Vyper is often used to create a smart contract. It executes on EVM, which is a decentralized computer.
What is the structure of a Vyper smart contract?
The various parts of a Vyper smart contract include version pragma, state variables, functions, events, interface, and structs.
What are the characteristics of a smart contract?
Since a smart contract uses the blockchain, it inherits the same properties. These include being immutable, distributed, transparent, and secure.