Hire deeply vetted Apache Struts 2 developers

Hire remote Apache Struts 2 developers of high-quality in 4 days. Build your team of time zone-friendly Apache Struts 2 developers with Turing now.

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Java Developer

Experience20 years

Jude is a full-stack developer having 20 years of experience in delivering end-to-end solutions for different companies. He is proficient in Java, React, C#, Python, and Go.

Expert in
  • Java
  • C#
  • SQL
  • React.js
  • Python
Also worked with
  • Finance
  • JavaScript
  • Scala
  • Machine Learning


Java Developer

Experience6 years

Rafael is a senior software engineer having 6+ years of experience. He is highly proficient in CI/CD Java, React.js, Spring, and JavaScript.

Expert in
  • Java
  • CI/CD
  • Agile
  • OOP
  • Java 8
Also worked with
  • JUnit
  • Mockito
  • Unit Testing
  • Maven


Java Developer

Experience9 years

Harmen has 9+ years of experience in software development. He is focused on developing high-performing web, mobile, and server applications.

Expert in
  • Java
  • C#
  • MongoDB
  • React.js
  • Python
Also worked with
  • JavaScript
  • Kubernetes
  • Bash
  • DevOps


Java Developer

Experience12 years

Fred is a design-first full-stack software engineer with hands-on knowledge and 12+ years of experience in creating fluid and interactive web applications.

Expert in
  • Java
  • CSS
  • SQL
  • React.js
  • HTML
Also worked with
  • JavaScript
  • Typescript
  • Bootstrap
  • Spring Framework


Java Developer

Experience10 years

Mahabir is a software engineer having 10+ years of experience working in the domain of healthcare, automotive, construction, and related fields.

Expert in
  • Java
  • C
  • SOAP
  • Jenkins
  • Python
Also worked with
  • Android
  • DevOps
  • Docker
  • JSON

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Turing named one of America's Best Startup Employers for 2022 by Forbes
Ranked no. 1 in The Information’s "50 Most Promising Startups of 2021" in the B2B category
Turing named to Fast Company's World's Most Innovative Companies 2021 for placing remote devs at top firms via AI-powered vetting
Turing helps entrepreneurs tap into the global talent pool to hire elite, pre-vetted remote engineers at the push of a button
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Turing has been providing us with top software developers in Latin America. All our other vendors combined don't have the headcount that Turing does.

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Program Manager of one of the world's largest crypto exchange platforms

We hired about 16 ML engineers from Turing which reduced our hiring effort by 90% as compared to other vendors.

 healthcare company
Engineering Manager of a NYSE-listed, Fortune 500 healthcare company

We're super excited about Turing as we will scrap our existing lengthy interview process and lean on Turing's vetting to build up teams on demand.

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Director of engineering of a US-based, multimillion-dollar finance company
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Why businesses choose Turing

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4 days

to fill most roles,
sometimes same day.

Time icon

Time Saved

50+ hours

of engineering team time
saved per developer on interviewing.

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success rate.

Hire Apache Struts 2 developers in 4 easy steps through Turing

  1. 1

    Tell us the skills you need

    We’ll schedule a call and understand your requirements.

  2. 2

    We find the best talent for you

    Get a list of pre-vetted candidates within days.

  3. 3

    Schedule interviews

    Meet and select the developers you like.

  4. 4

    Begin your trial

    Start building with a no-risk 3 week trial period.

Hire Apache Struts 2 developers now

Hire deeply vetted Apache Struts 2 developers at half the cost

Apache Struts 2 is a popular Java web development framework used by developers around the world. The framework is free for use and comes with a variety of unique features. Since its launch, the software development industry has adopted it actively to take advantage of its different advantages. Struts 2 is a combination of frameworks like opensymphony and Struts 1. The rapid growth in popularity has made it essential for companies to hire Apache Struts 2 developers.

The reasons behind the quick rise and longevity of the framework are often credited to its benefits. Apache Struts 2 is preferred primarily for its compatibility with different technologies. Since it is primarily based on the MVC framework, maintenance of Java, JSP, and Action classes becomes extremely easy. The technology has also managed to streamline several tasks making development processes a lot more efficient.

The ability to hire Apache Struts 2 engineers can define the ability to take advantage of the entire range of features. The framework has introduced options like configuring MVC components, support for AJAX, and POJO-based actions. It has also added the ability to utilize pre-built templates and themes. This has enabled developers to speed up development processes.

But even with the rise in popularity of the technology, the process to hire Apache Struts 2 coders remains a tedious task. The problem is even more evident when trying to hire remote Apache Struts 2 programmers. Also, one of the biggest hurdles faced by recruiters is the lack of technical knowledge. This can significantly limit a company's ability to identify and hire the best Apache Struts 2 developers to expand teams.

So, what’s the solution? Is it possible to hire remote Apache Struts 2 programmers quickly and in a cost-effective way without compromising on quality?

The answer is yes.

Turing offers companies top remote Apache Struts 2 developers pre-vetted to a very high standard at half the price and within a span of 4 days. We select the best remote Apache Solr developers after testing their expertise in areas like Java, JSP, JSTL, Servlets and servlets containers, Git, MVC architecture, and database etc.

Companies can now build a team of top remote Struts 2 developers in just a few days with Turing.

Join 1000+ Fortune 500 companies and fast-scaling startups who have trusted Turing

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Frequently Asked Questions

The purpose of the 3-week no-risk trial period is to start working with the developers and include them in the team. If you are satisfied with the developers, you keep working with them and pay their salary including the first 3 weeks. But, if you are not satisfied during the trial period, then you won’t pay anything.

Turing offers top-quality, cost-effective, and highly productive Apache Struts 3 developers who belong to the top 1% of the world's remote developers. All Turing engineers are selected only after going through a series of rigorous tests where their skills are evaluated to a high standard. Daily standups are mandatory for every Turing developer as they keep the developer and the customer in alignment with the discussed goal. All Turing remote Apache Struts 3 developers work for at least 4 hours in your time zone for your convenience.

You can get in touch with us to hire Apache Struts 3 developers who are going to work according to your time zone, and that too without burning a hole in your pocket.

Turing has created an AI-powered deep-vetting talent platform to vet remote developers for a high standard. Turing tests developers based on actual skills vs. self-reported experience from traditional resumes or job interviews. Every developer at Turing has to clear our tests for programming languages, data structures, algorithms, system designs, software specialization, frameworks, and more. Each Turing developer goes through our automated seniority assessment test comprising 57 calibrated questions in 5 areas — project impact, engineering excellence, communication, people, and direction.

With Turing, you can hire the best remote developers for 100+ skills such as React, Node, Python, Angular, Swift, React Native, Android, Java, Rails, Golang, PHP, Vue, DevOps, Machine Learning, etc. Turing also offers developers based on tech stack and seniority.

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