Hire AWS RDS developers remotely within 4 days

Turing’s AI-powered deep-vetting talent platform helps you hire top AWS RDS developers from a planetary pool of highly-skilled remote developers. Join Turing and unleash the world’s untapped human potential.

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AWS Developer

Experience11 years

Mahesh is an AWS Developer with over 11 years of experience. He has previously designed, developed, and tested multiple software applications along with guiding other members of the team.

Expert in
  • AWS
  • C#
  • Inventory
  • SQL
  • Cloud
Also worked with
  • EC2
  • jQuery


AWS Developer

Experience11 years

David is a senior software engineer with 11+ years of experience developing highly performant backend and infrastructure systems.

Expert in
  • AWS
  • DevOps
  • Packer
  • Puppet
  • Apache
Also worked with
  • Terraform
  • Chef
  • Django


AWS Developer

Experience5 years

Rylan is a senior software engineer with 5+ years of experience in building trading applications and data pipelines, tackling challenging architectural and scalability problems in finance.

Expert in
  • AWS
  • GitHub
  • C++
  • Django
  • Python
Also worked with
  • PostgreSQL
  • C#
  • JavaScript


AWS Developer

Experience15 years

Narendra has an experience of over 15 years in domains ranging from Mobile application software development to Animation/VFX to cutting edge startups.

Expert in
  • AWS
  • Software Development
  • Git
  • CI/CD
  • DevOps
Also worked with
  • Docker
  • Flask
  • Python


AWS Developer

Experience7 years

Sadeck has 7+ years of experience in software development. He has worked in designing system architectures and solutions for rapid scaling.

Expert in
  • AWS
  • GitHub
  • YAML
  • JSON
  • DynamoDB
Also worked with
  • React Native
  • GraphQL
  • Typescript
  • C#

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Turing has been providing us with top software developers in Latin America. All our other vendors combined don't have the headcount that Turing does.

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4 days

to fill most roles,
sometimes same day.

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Time Saved

50+ hours

of engineering team time
saved per developer on interviewing.

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success rate.

How to hire AWS RDS developers through Turing?

  1. 1

    Tell us the skills you need

    We’ll schedule a call and understand your requirements.

  2. 2

    We find the best talent for you

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  3. 3

    Schedule interviews

    Meet and select the developers you like.

  4. 4

    Begin your trial

    Start building with a no-risk 3 week trial period.

Hire AWS RDS developers now

Hire deeply vetted AWS RDS developers at half the cost

An AWS RDS developer uses this platform to manage backups, software patching, automatic failure detection, and recovery. Amazon RDS doesn't offer shell access to DB instances to deliver a managed service experience. It also limits access to certain system events and tables that need advanced privileges.

You can get high availability with a primary occurrence and a synchronous secondary instance that you can fall back on when some issue takes place. You can also use MariaDB, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, and PostgreSQL read copies to upsurge read scaling.

You can perform automated backups when you need them, or manually create your own backup snapshot. Furthermore, you can use these backups to restore a database as the Amazon RDS restore process works dependably and efficiently.

You can use the database products you are already acquainted with, like MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server.

Apart from your database package's security, you can help control who can contact your RDS databases with the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) to define users and permissions. You can also protect your databases by putting them in a virtual private cloud.

The basic building block of Amazon RDS is the DB instance which is an isolated database environment in the AWS Cloud. Your DB instance can have a number of user-created databases, and you can access it by using the same tools and applications that you use with a standalone database occurrence.

What's more, the AWS Command Line Interface, the Amazon RDS API, or the AWS Management Console will also enable you to create and adjust a DB instance. Each DB runs a DB engine and the Amazon RDS currently supports the MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, Oracle, and Microsoft SQL Server DB engines.

Each DB engine has a set of its own supported features, and each DB engine version may contain precise features. Moreover, every DB engine has a set of parameters in a DB parameter group that regulate the behavior of the databases that it handles.

But recruiting the best AWS RDS developers is difficult, as thousands of companies compete to hire from the limited pool of skilled AWS RDS developers. The shortage of skilled developers also means hiring AWS RDS developers is a costly and time-consuming affair.

So, what’s the solution? Is it possible to hire AWS RDS developers cost-effectively and quickly without compromising on quality?

The answer is yes. Turing offers deeply vetted remote AWS RDS developers at half the price to companies. We select the best remote AWS RDS developers after testing their expertise in many areas, such as MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server.

Companies can now build a team of remote AWS RDS developers in just 4 days with Turing.

Join 1000+ Fortune 500 companies and fast-scaling startups who have trusted Turing

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Frequently Asked Questions

Amazon Web Services - Relational Database Services is a relational database management service that assists organizations with tasks like migration, backup, recovery, software patching, and automatic failure detection.

Key features -Replication, high-performance storage, and failure detection are some of the key features of Amazon RDS.

Easy to use - The simplicity of Amazon RDS is one of its most appealing features. It allows administrators to manage multiple database instances without learning new database management software.

Scalability - You can scale your deployment's compute and memory resources up or down to a maximum of 32 vCPUs and 244 GiB of RAM. Compute scaling operations usually take a few minutes to complete.

Automatic software patching - Amazon RDS will ensure that the relational database software that powers your deployment is patched and up to date. You can choose whether and when your database instance is patched.

Security - You can encrypt your databases with Amazon RDS using keys managed by AWS Key Management Service (KMS). Data stored at rest in the underlying storage and automated backups, read replicas, and snapshots are all encrypted on an Amazon RDS-enabled database instance.

Cost and time savings - These features allow RDS to assist organizations in reducing costs associated with time-consuming database administration tasks as well as managing the hidden costs associated with using AWS high-performance storage.

Turing’s automated seniority assessment test, algorithm coding interview, and automated vetting flow help companies hire remote engineers in a matter of days. Turing’s AI-powered deep-vetting talent platform matches most companies with developers within 4 days.

Hiring the best AWS RDS developers is quite challenging, as thousands of companies and recruiters compete to hire from the limited pool of skilled developers.

The shortage of experienced and professional developers also means hiring AWS RDS developers is a costly and time-consuming affair.

Turing offers deeply vetted remote AWS RDS at nearly half the price.

We handpick the best AWS RDS developers — only the finest from the top 1% of 3 million+ developers — after testing their expertise in various areas, such as MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, Oracle, and Microsoft SQL Server.

Companies can now build their dream team of remote AWS RDS developers in just 4 days or sometimes the same day — within 24 hours — from Turing.

With Turing, you can hire the best remote developers for 100+ skills such as React, Node, Python, Angular, Swift, React Native, Android, Java, Rails, Golang, PHP, Vue, DevOps, Machine Learning, etc. Turing also offers developers based on tech stack and seniority.

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