Turing brings you a cutting-edge, AI-based platform to help you scale your engineering team with just a click. Hire high quality remote Axure RP developers in 4 days.
Software Developer
Sadeck has 7+ years of experience in software development. He has worked in designing system architectures and solutions for rapid scaling.
Software Developer
Alessander has 13+ years of experience in software development. He is proficient in technologies such as MongoDB, Java, Python, and back-end development.
UX Designer
Vishnu has 4+ years of experience as a software engineer in products using front-end frameworks like Vue, React with performant API design using server-side frameworks like ASP.NET Core, Node.js.
UX Designer
Steven has 6+ years of experience with responsive web design/implementation, and has taken the role of a lead front-end developer for several projects with modern JS framework such as React.js and Vue.js.
UX Designer
Asad has 10+ years of experience working as a software engineer. He is proficient in many skill including UX design, SQL, ElasticSearch, EC2, SaaS, etc.
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We're super excited about Turing as we will scrap our existing lengthy interview process and lean on Turing's vetting to build up teams on demand.
4 days
to fill most roles,
sometimes same day.
50+ hours
of engineering team time
saved per developer on interviewing.
success rate.
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Axure RP or Axure Rapid Prototyping is a popular UX tool used by developers and UX professionals to build realistic, functional prototypes, and also to create interactive HTML prototypes for mobile and web applications.
Today, companies actively look to hire Axure RP developers as the UX tool has acquired immense fame in the last few years. This is because Axure RP has become one of the go-to design tools for developers due to its intuitive features and functionalities. This includes built-in common conditions, improved push/pull and move options, dynamic panels on display, data-intensive experiences, and more. Developers can easily create UX prototypes with a number of combinations of event triggers, and conditions, among others.
An Axure RP developer's responsibilities include creating various wireframes, interaction diagrams, pattern libraries, prototypes, producing and presenting intuitive UX deliverables, etc. These developers also work on supporting various UX activities, designing and specifying user interfaces and information architecture, and collaborating with the development teams to ensure the correct implementation of design specifications.
There are many Axure RP developers worldwide, but recruiting the best is what matters. Several organizations are competing to hire from the countable space of skilled Axure RP developers. But, with the increase in demand for these professionals, hiring top Axure RP developers is a time-consuming and costly affair.
So, what’s the solution? Is it possible to hire Axure RP developers quickly and in a cost-effective way without compromising on quality?
The answer is yes.
Turing offers companies top remote Axure RP developers at half the price and within a span of 4 days. We select the best remote Axure RP developers after testing their expertise in areas like Sketch, Axure, InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Invisionapp, UI framework restraints, Adobe Suite, Zeplin, etc. We also check their expertise in networking skills, information design & information architecture skills, understanding of design fundamentals, and others.
Companies can now build a team of top remote Axure RP developers in just a few days with Turing. Our AI-powered deep-vetting talent platform leverages global reach to source developers with strong technical and communication skills for rapid business transformation.
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