Turing helps you hire top Dart developers from a global pool of highly-skilled remote developers. Join Turing and unleash the world’s untapped human potential.
Dart Developer
Lanteri has more than 10 years of software development experience. He has built various scalable projects with expert skills in C++, Linux, Dart, React, Kotlin, CSS3, jQuery, and other technical tools.
Dart Developer
Naimur is a software developer with 2+ years of experience. He has relevant working experience in developing hybrid mobile applications for both iOS and Android platforms, as well as an interest in game development, artificial intelligence, and machine learning.
Dart Developer
Vladislav is a software developer with 5 years of experience. He has a solid expertise in various front-end, mobile development technologies and a passion for keeping up with the latest technological advancements.
Dart Developer
Charles has 5 years of software development experience along with a computer science background. He has a track record of working with multiple global teams and developing scalable software solutions in various domains.
Dart Developer
Zhang a senior mobile developer with a total of 8 years of experience including 3 years of remote work. He has successfully completed over 20+ mobile (Android and iOS) developments, specializing in native Android, and hybrid Flutter.
In this guide, we have listed down the major recruiting points on how to hire Dart developers to scale up your development team.
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Dart is an open-source and general-purpose object-oriented programming language with C-style syntax. It was developed by Google in 2011 for creating frontend UIs, and modern web and mobile applications. Using active development, it is compiled in native machine code for building mobile apps, inspired by other programming languages such as Java, JavaScript, and C#. But since Dart is a compiled language, developers cannot execute codes directly, the compiler parses it, transferring it into machine code.
One of the biggest advantages of using Dart is the universal support for building Web, mobile and command-line apps. It offers a lot of stability throughout the development cycle. Also, developers get the advantage of using tools like Angular Dart for developing modern web apps for multiple platforms. With web apps being the approach of the coming decade, Dart developers have become one of the most high-value professionals.
If you’re looking to hire Dart developers, we can help you make the right hiring. We've developed a specialized Dart developer hiring guide to help you shortlist the best-suited applicants. You can use this guide to know about the essential skills to identify high-value professionals. Test applying Dart developers with this set of information and interview questions listed in this guide.
At a high level, Dart developers should have the following skills in their arsenal.
One of the primary skills you should look for when hiring Dart developers is the ability to build new applications. Companies expect their Dart developers to have enough knowledge to take charge of both - developing and designing entire applications. When interviewing applicants, take your time to understand their experience in the same role. Ask about responsibilities they were entrusted with to see how much they align with your company’s requirements.
One of the essential traits to look for in your Dart developer is their troubleshooting skills. Ability to test applications and identify hidden bugs and errors are of utmost importance to be able to drive entire development cycles. So, take your time to understand the developer’s level of understanding of troubleshooting techniques and approaches usually adopted by them. This is one of the most important areas you should look into while bringing in new talent for your organization.
As Dart developers, professionals must have the necessary skills to work on existing applications. Today most applications are maintained using frequent and small updates. But no matter how innovative a solution can be, bugs and coding issues can hold back an app’s level of efficiency. When looking to bring in new developers for your team, it is expected for them to be well-versed in utilizing performance improvement techniques. Test the developers by asking skill-specific questions to the applicants to get a better idea about their approach to handling performance-related issues.
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Another key aspect to keep in mind when looking to hire Dart developers is their level of expertise in Flutter. Since Flutter is primarily powered by Dart, developers need to have a high level of expertise in Flutter to reap the benefits. Ideally, you must bring in a developer with relevant experience and knowledge to handle entire development processes thus making knowledge of Flutter essential. So, take your time to understand the developer’s knowledge and vet their Flutter development skill before taking a call.
Turing helps you find the right developers for your project
When looking to hire Dart developers for your organization, another key aspect to look for is familiarity with different development tools. Developers need to have expertise in using several domain-specific tools for building applications. So, if you’re currently looking to bring in new Dart specialists, here’s a small list of tools they should possess knowledge of using:
One of the key factors that make a developer valuable, is their eagerness to learn and stay updated with the latest development trends. Like all other industries, technical products also undergo constant change with the tastes of users/clients evolving with time. A developer who is not only aware of the technical aspects but is also well-informed about developing trends would add great value to your existing team. So, spend time understanding the applicant’s urge to constantly grow their knowledge and improve their tech stack.
If you are looking to hire new Dart developers for your organization, another key aspect to consider is a developer's interpersonal skills. The ability to communicate efficiently with internal and cross-functional teams is often the key to driving development cycles. The ability has also gained more importance with the tech industry going remote with spread-out teams. For this reason, you must take your time in understanding the developer’s comfort level of speaking their mind and sharing inputs confidently.
Identifying talents and securing the services of the right Dart developers can be a little tough without prior experience. To make the process simpler, working with a hiring funnel can feel helpful and make shortlisting applications a lot easier.
We will help you select the best talents and hire a DART developer who will fit in your company culturally.
We verify if the candidate really wants to work at your company and is able to spend 5+ hours to prove it by rigorous tests. It helps us to see a developer's caliber.
Developers are asked DART related questions and made to solve tricky problems. We use open questions. The goal is not only to test developers’ knowledge – we also want to find out their way of thinking.
We provide explicit feedback on both the test task and the technical test after we have checked the developer's expertise.
You can interview the shortlisted developers to check if the candidate matches your requirements and is a good fit for your company.
Hire intelligently with developers sourced by software, vetted by software, matched by software & managed by software.
When looking to hire Dart developers, it is important to test their knowledge with the right set of questions. Here’s a list of interview questions you can utilize to hire Dart developers.
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10 bonus questions for interviewing Dart developers