Hire Docker developers remotely within 4 days

Companies can now hire Docker developers remotely with Turing. Hire now and spin up your dream engineering team with Turing’s AI-powered deep-vetting talent platform that uses AI to source, vet, match, and manage 3 million+ developers worldwide.

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Docker Developer

Experience12 years

ChengWei has 12+ years of experience in full-stack development. He is proficient in technologies such as Laravel, Swift, Java, PHP, and cross-platform frameworks.

Expert in
  • Flask
  • PHP
  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • Python
Also worked with
  • Node.js
  • Redux
  • HTML


Docker Developer

Experience12 years

Prashant has 12 years of experience in migration of PHP, React and Node applications to AWS, automating the application delivery through CI/CD pipelines with the help of Jenkins, GitlabCI and in designing completely serverless applications using AWS Lambda, API, SQS, Step Functions, etc.

Expert in
  • Linux
  • DevOps
  • Jenkins
  • AWS Administration
  • Docker
Also worked with
  • AWS
  • Kubernetes


Docker Developer

Experience15 years

Muthuvel has over 15 years of experience in software development, maintenance, design, project solution architecture, and enterprise architecture.

Expert in
  • Docker
  • DevOps
  • Ruby on Rails
  • Ruby
  • Java
Also worked with
  • Node.js
  • Kafka
  • Android
  • PySpark


Docker Developer

Experience5 years

Marcello is a software engineer with 5 years of experience in developing server-side solutions. He is highly skilled in technologies such as Spring Boot, Git, Java, Unit Testing, etc.

Expert in
  • Spring Boot
  • Docker
  • Java
  • Unit Testing
Also worked with
  • Bash
  • Git
  • Gradle
  • MySQL


Docker Developer

Experience7 years

Ahmad is a software developer with over 7 years of experience. He has a track record of building architectures for highly scalable, distributed systems.

Expert in
  • CodeIgniter
  • JavaScript
  • Docker
  • Java
  • Ruby on Rails
Also worked with
  • MongoDB
  • PHP
  • Ruby

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How to hire the best Docker developer?

Worried about the hassles of hiring a Docker developer? Check this guide to know about skills to look for, interview questions, and more!

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How to hire the best Docker developer?
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4 days

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How to hire a Docker developer? Skills to look for, interview questions, and more

Hiring a Docker developer is easy, but hiring the right developer with adequate Docker experience and knowledge is difficult. From deploying quick updates without affecting all containers to give an added advantage Docker developers handle everything with the right skillset and leadership. Companies who want to scale their software solutions and want efficient deployment of projects must hire Docker developers. To help you find the right talent we have developed this hiring guide to help you to understand the prerequisites. Check out the entire list of mentioned qualities and interview questions to properly vet applicants before making your call.

Skills to look for in a Docker developer?

At a high level, Docker developers should have the following skills in their arsenal:

1. Knowledge of CI/CD pipelines

It is one of the primary skillsets that a Docker specialist must possess to carry out projects without development hurdles. Such skill comes in super handy while reconfiguring software or applications to transition into a more stable state. So, when looking to hire Docker developers, always try to find people showcasing an in-depth knowledge of deploying CI/CD pipelines.

2. Expertise in Kubernetes

Another associated and highly-valued skill a Docker developer can possess is expertise in Kubernetes. It is a new and exciting technology helping bridge a lot of different gaps using innovative approaches. Kubernetes is a portable and open-source platform often used for developing containerized projects. It has the ability to work with declarative configuration and automation. Since its launch, containerized technology has slowly been finding its way into the majority of large-scale projects. For which it is essential to hire Docker developers with a strong understanding and technical ability of Kubernetes.

3. Ability to maintain & monitor applications

When you hire Docker developers, always look for professionals well skilled in application or software maintenance activities. Look for people who your team can depend on with post-launch tasks and provide constant support for quick inspections. In a rapidly evolving digital era, the ability to adapt to change and provide fast insights into blockers are of prime importance. So, if you’ve been tasked to find and hire Docker developers, always make sure to test their application maintenance skills.

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4. Knowledge of essential technologies

A docker developer must be able to work with different technologies and tools associated with Docker. To understand the technical merit of a prospective new Docker developer, spend time understanding the resume. When you hire Docker developers always look for a certain group of skills regularly used in the organization. Consult your technical team about the specific requirements. The list should usually include:

  • Prometheus
  • Grafana
  • Datadog
  • OpsGenie
  • PagerDuty

5. Strong interpersonal skills

No matter which role or technology you’re hiring for, the ability to communicate with confidence is a primary skill. Both written and verbal communication holds a lot of value especially to keep the chain information within the organization on course. It also helps out in driving brainstorming sessions to come up with new solutions for complex lingering problems. So when looking to find Docker coders, especially remote Docker developers, look for professionals who you find confident for driving effective conversations.

Create a hiring funnel

Identifying talents and securing the services of the right Docker developers can be a little tough without prior experience. To make the process simpler, working with a hiring funnel can feel helpful and make shortlisting applications a lot easier.

What Turing does for you

We will help you select the best talents and spot a Docker developer who will fit in your company culturally.

We verify if the candidate really wants to work at your company and is able to spend 5+ hours to prove it by rigorous tests. It helps us to see a developer's caliber.

Developers are asked Docker related questions and made to solve tricky problems. We use open questions. The goal is not only to test developers’ knowledge – we also want to find out their way of thinking.

We provide explicit feedback on both the test task and the technical test after we have checked the developer's expertise.

What you do

You can interview the shortlisted developers to check if the candidate matches your requirements and is a good fit for your company.

Hire intelligently with developers sourced by software, vetted by software, matched by software & managed by software.

Top interview questions to hire Docker developers

When looking to hire Docker developers, it is important to test their knowledge with the right set of questions. Here’s a list of interview questions you can utilize to vet developers appearing for the interview.

Hypervisors are software that enables developers to build virtualizations and are often referred to as Virtual Machine Monitors. It divides up the host system before allocating resources to the created VMs. Also, there are two types of Hypervisors - Native Hypervisor and Hosted Hypervisor. See if the developer mentions the different types stating examples or their applications.

Any Docker developer with in-depth knowledge should be able to state the differences between virtualization and containerization in Docker. The fundamental unit of virtualization is the concept of a virtual machine. Containerization, on the other hand, makes use of the container concept.

Docker images are the source of Docker containers. When a Docker image is called upon, a new instance of a container is created which can be deployed to any Docker environment.

Docker Swarm is a native clustering technology developer for Docker helping to transform tons of Docker hosts into a single virtual Docker host. To vet the developer more about the niche, ask about application scenarios and the benefits or hurdles if possible.

A pretty technical question and the developer’s answer should state a list of different steps. Check if his/her answer aligns with this list:

  • Create a container
  • Run the container
  • Pause the container(optional)
  • Un-pause the container(optional)
  • Start the container
  • Stop the container
  • Restart the container
  • Kill the container
  • Destroy the container

Similar to offline platforms, you can also use Docker on cloud platforms. See if the developer is able to mention every supported cloud platform including

  • Amazon EC2
  • Amazon ECS
  • Google Compute Engine
  • Microsoft Azure
  • Rackspace

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Here are some more Docker developer interview questions that you can ask to assess a developer’s caliber.

  • Is there a way to identify the status of a Docker container?
  • Can a container restart by itself?
  • Can JSON be used instead of YAML for composing files in Docker?
  • Why should you run stateful applications on Docker?
  • Explain load balancing across containers and hosts
  • What command do you use to push a new image to the Docker Registry?

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Check out more resources to hire Docker developers

Job description templates

Build a perfect Docker job description by listing key requirements, roles & responsibilities, and skills with this customizable job description template.

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Job description templates

Development services

Build your Docker developers team with the world’s most deeply vetted developers/engineers.

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Development services

Docker interview questions and answers

Here's a comprehensive list of all the common Docker interview questions and answers to help you with the interview process, whether you’re a recruiter or a candidate looking for a job.

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Docker interview questions and answers

Frequently Asked Questions

The purpose of the 3-week no-risk trial period is to start working with the developers and include them in the team. If you are satisfied with the developers, you keep working with them and pay their salary including the first 3 weeks. But, if you are not satisfied during the trial period, then you won’t pay anything.

Turing offers top-quality, cost-effective, and highly productive Docker developers who belong to the top 1% of the world's remote developers. All Turing Docker developers are selected only after going through a series of rigorous tests where their skills are evaluated to ensure they meet the highest standard. Daily standups are mandatory for every Turing developer as they keep the developer and the customer in alignment with the discussed goal. All Turing remote Docker work for at least 4 hours in your time zone for your convenience.

Turing’s automated seniority assessment test, algorithm coding interview, and automated vetting flow help companies hire remote engineers in a matter of days. Turing’s AI-powered deep-vetting talent platform matches most companies with developers within 4 days.

Turing has created the first and only Intelligent Talent Cloud to vet remote developers for a Silicon Valley bar. Turing tests developers based upon actual skills vs. self-reported experience from traditional resumes or job interviews. Every developer at Turing has to clear our tests for programming languages, data structures, algorithms, system designs, software specialization, frameworks, and more. Each Turing developer goes through our automated seniority assessment test comprising 57 calibrated questions in 5 areas — project impact, engineering excellence, communication, people, and direction.

With Turing, you can hire the best remote developers for 100+ skills such as React, Node, Python, Angular, Swift, React Native, Android, Java, Rails, Golang, PHP, Vue, DevOps, Machine Learning, etc. Turing also offers developers based on tech stack and seniority.

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