Turing’s AI-powered deep-vetting talent platform helps you hire top Ember.js developers from a planetary pool of highly-skilled remote developers. Join Turing and unleash the world’s untapped human potential.
Ember.js Developer
Samuel has 10+ years of experience as a software engineer. He has also worked in managerial positions while leading and managing multiple projects.
Ember.js Developer
Prateep is a software engineer with 20 years of experience in web development. He is highly skilled in technologies such as Ruby, Ember.js, HTML, Git, MongoDB, etc.
Ember.js Developer
Chris has 30+ years of experience in the software industry. He has worked as a CTO at 4 different startups. He is an innovative thinker trying to empower as many people as he can.
Ember.js Developer
Mohshinsha has 7 years of experience in mobile application development. He has expertise in technologies such as Git, Gitflow, Ember.js, iOS-Swift, etc.
Ember.js Developer
Bruno has 10 years of experience in Software development and project management. He has expertise in Ember.js, DevOps, Git workflows, daily meetings, Kubernetes, containers, multi-cloud, deployments, etc.
Finding it hard to hire a perfect Ember.js developer that fits your project requirements? This hiring guide can help you recruit the best software talent.
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Ember.js offers a strong data layer that can seamlessly integrate with Java resources. Its object model can help to represent underlying data and also facilitate key-value observations. Given such benefits, Ember.js developers are often highly sought-after.
Having said that, hiring expert Ember.js developers is a challenging task. Countless companies compete to hire from the limited talent pool, making it quite costly and time-consuming to hire remote Ember.js developers.
Turing aims to simplify this process with our AI-powered talent cloud that leverages global reach to source top Ember.js developers in 4 days. We select developers after testing their expertise in communication skills and technical areas like Ember CLI, front-end development, Ember testing, performance optimization, and JavaScript.
Hiring a proficient developer takes more than just scanning through stacks of applications. At a high level, Ember.js developers should have the following skills in their arsenal:
When looking for new Ember.js developers, always try to hire professionals with experience in web development activities. Handling complex web and app development tasks are a part of the daily responsibilities of Ember.js specialists. Expert Ember.js developers are well-versed in JavaScript concepts like OOP, closures, and prototypal inheritance, Ember templates, routing, data binding, etc.
An Ember.js developer with strong knowledge of front-end resources can actively add value to existing teams. From configuring front-end services to designing user interfaces, the right talent can be responsible for rapid development. Skilled Ember.js developers possess a strong understanding of HTML and CSS, Handlebars to create reusable and dynamic components, CSS frameworks, and applying styles to Ember templates and components.
A skilled Ember.js developer must possess an in-depth knowledge of the Ember Command Line Interface (CLI), which is key to efficiently scaffolding and managing Ember.js projects. When hiring Ember.js developers, check their proficiency in using Ember CLI commands to generate routes, components, models, and other project aspects.
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Highly-skilled Ember.js developers are often familiar with Ember.js add-ons. The ecosystem of these add-ons enhances the functionality of Ember.js and offers additional integrations and features. Hence, when you hire Ember.js developers, assess their expertise in leveraging and integrating popular Ember.js add-ons such as ember-cli-sass, ember-power-select, ember-test-selectors, ember-intl, and liquid-fire.
Turing helps you find the right developers for your project
When considering the essential skills of Ember.js developers, JavaScript and jQuery are a must. These act as two pillars of Ember.js-based projects making them all the more important. Go through the resumes of applicants thoroughly to understand their level of expertise with these technologies to ensure to select the right talent.
Since testing is a key part of Ember.js development, you must hire Ember.js developers with experience in Ember testing. Expert Ember.js developers are often proficient in writing and running tests through the Ember Testing framework. This involves integration tests, acceptance tests, and unit tests to ensure the application's reliability and stability.
Skilled Ember.js developers are also experienced in optimizing the performance of their Ember applications. For this, they must be familiar with relevant techniques like code splitting, lazy loading, data fetching, and asset optimization, which helps them to ensure efficient and quick Ember.js applications.
Knowing the requirements and hiring the right talent are completely different aspects. The best approach to making the right technical hiring is by using a hiring funnel to easily identify and shortlist the right applicants.
We will help you select the best talents and spot a skilled developer who will fit in your company culturally.
We verify if the candidate really wants to work at your company and is able to spend 5+ hours to prove it by rigorous tests. It helps us to see a developer's caliber.
Developers are asked SKILL related questions and made to solve tricky problems. We use open questions. The goal is not only to test developers’ knowledge – we also want to find out their way of thinking.
We provide explicit feedback on both the test task and the technical test after we have checked the developer's expertise.
You can interview the shortlisted developers to check if the candidate matches your requirements and is a good fit for your company.
Hire intelligently with developers sourced by software, vetted by software, matched by software & managed by software.
While conducting interviews to hire Ember.js developers, it is important to vet their level of knowledge. To gain a deep understanding of an applicant, you can utilize this list of questions to test their abilities.
Try Turing today and discover great developers to fuel your ideas
Here are some more Ember.js developer interview questions that you can ask to assess a developer’s caliber.