Turing helps you hire top freelance web developers from a global pool of highly-skilled developers. Join Turing and unleash the world’s untapped human potential.
Web Developer
YiChong has 6+ years of experience in software development. He is fascinated by blockchain technology and Solidity for back-end development.
Web Developer
Toghrul is a software developer with 11+ years of experience. He has worked in telecommunication and banking industry where he developed many applications in Java, PHP, and Python languages .
Website Developer
Maximus is a Website developer with 9+ years of experience. He is highly skilled in technologies such as HTML, Website Development, JavaScript, React, etc.
Website Developer
Moses has 7+ years of experience in web development. He has a strong background working on Web Development, AI projects, JavaScript, Cordova, etc.
Web Developer
Dinh is a software engineer with 8 years of experience in both front-end & back-end development. She is highly skilled in technologies like CSS, JavaScript, HTML, Git, etc.
Turing has been providing us with top software developers in Latin America. All our other vendors combined don't have the headcount that Turing does.
We hired about 16 ML engineers from Turing which reduced our hiring effort by 90% as compared to other vendors.
We're super excited about Turing as we will scrap our existing lengthy interview process and lean on Turing's vetting to build up teams on demand.
4 days
to fill most roles,
sometimes same day.
50+ hours
of engineering team time
saved per developer on interviewing.
success rate.
We’ll schedule a call and understand your requirements.
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The rise of the internet has led to a boom in web development. As technology advances, companies are looking to hire freelance web developers to create custom websites and apps that meet their needs. Freelance web developers can work from home or a coffee shop—they don't need an office space. They also don't need any special training, but they need skills such as software development, coding, and graphic design.
Freelance developers can help companies create responsive and mobile-friendly websites while also providing easy-to-use features like user management and search functionality. Suppose you need someone who can help improve an existing website or make changes to an existing code base that you're using for your business operations. In that case, you might want to consider hiring a freelance web developer.
The skills that a freelance web developer can harness are still in high demand, even though the market seems to have reached a saturation point with freelance developers. This is mainly due to the techniques and strategies used by freelance developers that have evolved, meaning they can provide businesses with more value than ever before. Many companies are turning to more freelance options, therefore, looking to hire freelance web developers.
But as good as it may look, there are some considerable disadvantages to hiring freelance web developers. A freelancer's business hours and time zones may differ from yours. Unlike remote workers who can regularly work for a certain period of time, freelancers don't have to. Instead, they work when they want. For this reason, hiring freelancers is unsuitable for time-sensitive or long-term projects that need continuous support. Instead, hire remote web developers for these kinds of projects.
So what is the solution? Is it possible to quickly hire freelance web developers without sacrificing quality?
The answer is yes.
Turing uses an AI-powered deep-vetting talent platform for sourcing and matching the best freelance web developers in the market within 4 days. Our hiring funnel and planetary reach ensure that companies can select from the top candidates. Turing's highly sophisticated hiring structure has made recruitment incredibly seamless for hiring managers worldwide.
We select the best web freelancers after testing their expertise in different technical skills such as JavaScript, CSS, HTML, web technology, UI / UX standards, code versioning tools, etc. As strong soft skills are required for remote work we also evaluate the candidates for their communication and collaborative skills, including problem-solving skills, time management, and leadership qualities.
Sign up with Turing and hire freelance web developers in just 4 days.
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