Hire deeply vetted Git developers

Companies can now hire Git developers remotely with Turing. Hire now and spin up your dream engineering team with Turing’s deep-vetting talent platform that uses AI to source, vet, match, and manage 3 million+ developers worldwide.

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GitHub Developer

Experience5 years

Marcello is a software engineer with 5 years of experience in developing server-side solutions. He is highly skilled in technologies such as Spring Boot, Git, Java, Unit Testing, etc.

Expert in
  • Spring Boot
  • Git
  • GitHub
  • Unit Testing
Also worked with
  • Bash
  • Docker
  • Gradle
  • MySQL


GitHub Developer

Experience20 years

Dmitry is a tech leader, cloud architect and site reliability engineer with over two decades of intense professional experience strictly adhering to DevOps methodology.

Expert in
  • SaaS
  • Linux
  • GitHub
  • Ansible
  • Terraform
Also worked with
  • Optimization
  • Git
  • CI/CD


GitHub Developer

Experience7 years

Stefan is a highly experienced and talented Senior Web and Mobile Developer with 7+ years of professional experience. His highlighted skills in development include GitHub, JavaScript, Typescript, React, React Native, Redux, Vue, Node/Laravel, PHP, and Django, among many others.

Expert in
  • GitHub
  • JavaScript
  • Typescript
  • React
  • React Native
Also worked with
  • Git
  • Vue.js
  • Node/Laravel
  • PHP
  • Django


GitHub Developer

Experience7 years

Alessandro is a web developer with over 7 years of experience in developing scalable and intuitive applications. He is well-versed in technologies such as HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Angular, Ionic, Node.js, etc.

Expert in
  • GitHub
  • HTTP
  • SCSS
  • HTML
  • JavaScript
Also worked with
  • CSS
  • HTML5
  • Laravel
  • PHP


GitHub Developer

Experience6 years

Vaibhav is a detail-oriented professional with 6+ years of software engineering experience in large-scale distributed systems with a focus on Java and a strong understanding of OOP & data structures.

Expert in
  • Hibernate
  • GitHub
  • Spring
  • J2EE
  • Oracle
Also worked with
  • Unix
  • MVC
  • Java
  • JDBC

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Turing books $87M at a $1.1B valuation to help source, hire and manage engineers remotely
Turing named one of America's Best Startup Employers for 2022 by Forbes
Ranked no. 1 in The Information’s "50 Most Promising Startups of 2021" in the B2B category
Turing named to Fast Company's World's Most Innovative Companies 2021 for placing remote devs at top firms via AI-powered vetting
Turing helps entrepreneurs tap into the global talent pool to hire elite, pre-vetted remote engineers at the push of a button
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Turing has been providing us with top software developers in Latin America. All our other vendors combined don't have the headcount that Turing does.

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We hired about 16 ML engineers from Turing which reduced our hiring effort by 90% as compared to other vendors.

 healthcare company
Engineering Manager of a NYSE-listed, Fortune 500 healthcare company

We're super excited about Turing as we will scrap our existing lengthy interview process and lean on Turing's vetting to build up teams on demand.

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Director of engineering of a US-based, multimillion-dollar finance company
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4 days

to fill most roles,
sometimes same day.

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Time Saved

50+ hours

of engineering team time
saved per developer on interviewing.

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success rate.

Hire Git developers in 4 easy steps through Turing

  1. 1

    Tell us the skills you need

    We’ll schedule a call and understand your requirements.

  2. 2

    We find the best talent for you

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  3. 3

    Schedule interviews

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  4. 4

    Begin your trial

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Hire Git developers now

Hire deeply vetted Git developers at half the cost

Git is one of the most popular version control systems that has greatly simplified software development. Git is primarily used to track changes in the source code and streamline software development activities. Git enables multiple developers to work together and seamlessly collaborate on a software project. Git supports parallel development processing through its various features and functionalities to deliver an optimized experience to the developers.

The top features of Git are free access, history tracking, support for non-linear development, backups, scalable functionality, ease of collaboration, branching, and distributed development. If you want to build a software project, then using Git goes a long way in simplifying the development process and increasing productivity.

The Git workflow is primarily divided into the working directory, staging area, and Git directory. The working directory enables developers to modify the files in the working directory, whereas the staging area is for storing files and adding snapshots. The Git directory is to execute commits that permanently store the snapshots in the Git directory.

With Git becoming an integral part of the software development process, companies these days are increasingly hiring Git developers to streamline their processes and increase the productivity of their development phase.

Some of the primary roles and responsibilities of Git developers include collaborating with developers, setting up the essential tools and integration infrastructure, streamlining the development processes, managing cloud resources, reviewing the software code, troubleshooting issues, and maintaining the development environment.

Several companies compete to hire the best Git developers from a limited supply pool. This makes hiring incredibly exhausting and time-consuming for recruiters and hiring managers. So what’s the solution? Is it possible to hire Git developers quickly and efficiently without compromising quality?

The answer is yes.

Turing helps companies hire the best Git developers after evaluating their expertise in multiple skills. Including git workflow management, git commands, DevOps expertise, and front-end & back-end development. We also test the developers' soft skills, including collaboration, communication, critical thinking, problem-solving, time management, and leadership qualities.

We also vet the developers' soft skills to ensure they are equipped to work with distributed teams and can fit into your company.

So if you are looking to hire top Git developers, you just need to share your requirements with us. Our AI-powered Talent platform will help you quickly source, vet, match, and manage the best Git developers.

Sign up and start your 14-day risk-free trial period now!

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