Hire iPhone app developers remotely within 4 days

Turing source engineers planet-wide and helps you hire the best pre-vetted remote iPhone app developers. Hire today and leverage our AI-powered deep-vetting talent platform to spin up your engineering team.

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iPhone App Developer

Experience10 years

Nathan is a senior iOS engineer with 10+ years of experience in building quality apps and leading iOS teams.

Expert in
  • iOS
  • Swift
  • Objective-C
  • Python
  • PHP
Also worked with
  • Python Security Automation
  • Git
  • Python for Data Science


iPhone App Developer

Experience14 years

Shahin is a software developer and manager with14+ years of experience. He is focused on iOS/macOS platforms and interested in teamwork, problem-solving, innovation, and implementing solutions for real-world problems.

Expert in
  • MacOS
  • iOS Swift
  • Objective-C
  • UX Design
  • DevOps
Also worked with
  • Design Patterns
  • Unix
  • AWS
  • MVC
  • Xcode


iPhone App Developer

Experience5 years

Russell has 5+ years of experience in the mobile development industry. He is highly skilled in technologies like Swift, Android Java, and cross-platform frameworks .

Expert in
  • Swift
  • PHP
  • Java
  • Android
  • Python
Also worked with
  • jQuery
  • iOS - Swift
  • Django


iPhone App Developer

Experience5 years

Habtom has 5+ years of experience in software development. He is highly skilled in technologies such as Swift, Java, C, Python, Node.js, and PHP.

Expert in
  • iOS
  • Swift
  • Objective-C
  • Python
  • PHP
Also worked with
  • Java
  • Node.js
  • C
  • Numpy
  • Bootstrap


iPhone App Developer

Experience30 years

Chris has 30+ years of experience in the software industry. He has worked as a CTO at 4 different startups. He is an innovative thinker trying to empower as many people as he can.

Expert in
  • Swift
  • JavaScript
  • Java
  • Android
  • Redis
Also worked with
  • Spring
  • J2EE
  • Perl
  • Subversion
  • Hibernate

Build your dream team now

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How to hire the best iPhone app developer?

Worried about the hassles of hiring a iPhone app developer? Check this guide to know about skills to look for, interview questions, and more!

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How to hire the best iPhone app developer?
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Turing helps entrepreneurs tap into the global talent pool to hire elite, pre-vetted remote engineers at the push of a button
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Turing has been providing us with top software developers in Latin America. All our other vendors combined don't have the headcount that Turing does.

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4 days

to fill most roles,
sometimes same day.

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Time Saved

50+ hours

of engineering team time
saved per developer on interviewing.

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success rate.

Hire iPhone app developers through Turing in 4 easy steps

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    Tell us the skills you need

    We’ll schedule a call and understand your requirements.

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    We find the best talent for you

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  3. 3

    Schedule interviews

    Meet and select the developers you like.

  4. 4

    Begin your trial

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How to hire iPhone app developers? Skills to look for, interview questions, and more

It is not easy to hire iPhone app developers with adequate experience and knowledge. Building a team of highly efficient developers is a daunting task, so before you start the recruiting process, extensive research on your project needs is expected. The shortage of skilled programmers also affects the hiring process making it a costly and time-consuming affair.

Hence, to ease the effort, we have put up an excellent resource for you. It will be of tremendous help if you are a non-technical manager and interested in learning more about the hiring process of an iPhone app developer.

Skills to look for in an iPhone app developer?

At a high level, the iPhone app developers should have the following skills in their arsenal:

1. High-level proficiency in Objective-C or Swift

Swift is a language created by Apple and is one of the most popular and widely-used programming languages for iOS application development. It is an open-source, easy to use language that allows developers to build and implement high-performance applications for the iOS platform. However, an experienced programmer must have a clear and complete understanding of both Objective-C and Swift programming languages.

2. Experience with code versioning tools

Code versioning tools are must-have tools for every software development process. Popular versioning tools such as Git, SVN, Mercurial, etc., control the development process. Developers use these tools to track the changes and resolve mistakes by comparing the new code with the previous stable version. It offers improved visibility, team collaboration around the world and accelerated product delivery. Therefore, try to hire iPhone app developers who have hands-on experience with these tools.

3. Knowledge of database

Knowledge of databases is a necessary skill that every software developer must have. The databases are used to store, access, and manipulate data. This is why you don’t want to onboard someone who has very little knowledge of databases. Instead, you should hire iPhone app developers who have complete knowledge of DBMS technologies.

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4. Familiarity with the latest iOS frameworks

Frameworks make it a lot easier for developers to create and maintain applications. Hire a developer who is familiar with the latest frameworks as it will aid in designing, and building the next generation of iOS mobile applications.

5. Understanding UI and UX

UI stands for User Interface that refers to the application's appearance. While UX stands for User Experience that refers to the app's navigation and other features. An effective UI/UX design of an application can drastically alter the app's appearance, resulting in increased user engagement.

Create a hiring funnel

Creating a hiring funnel will provide you with numerous benefits, like assisting you in identifying the top skills to hire iPhone app developers who will fit into your company's culture.

What Turing does for you

We will help you select the best talents and hire an iPhone app developer who will fit in your company culturally.

We verify if the candidate really wants to work at your company and is able to spend 5+ hours to prove it by rigorous tests. It helps us to see a developer's caliber.

Developers are asked skill-related questions and made to solve tricky problems. We use open questions. The goal is not only to test developers’ knowledge but also to find out their way of thinking.

We provide explicit feedback on both the test task and the technical test after we have checked the developer's expertise.

What you do

You can interview the shortlisted developers to check if the candidate matches your requirements and is a good fit for your company.

Hire intelligently with developers sourced by software, vetted by software, matched by software & managed by software.

Top interview questions to hire iPhone app developers.

Hiring for a new skill can be a daunting task even if you’ve been a part of recruitment processes for quite some time. But it is also critical for the success of your project that you hire top iPhone app engineers who are the right fit for your team. So, if you’re looking for questions that you can ask to test the applicants, here’s a list for your reference.

Concurrency means two or more tasks are defined independently regardless of their execution time. There are three ways to achieve concurrency - Threads, Dispatch queues and Operation queues.

The different basic iOS application states are: not running, inactive, active, background and suspended. Try to hire iPhone app developers who can not only list out the states but also explain them.

You want to hire iPhone app developers who have extensive knowledge of the different and latest frameworks used for application development. Their answer may include: The UIKit framework is used to develop the application’s user interface for iOS.

Managed object context is used in order to create and manage a collection of managed objects in Swift. It also offers - undo and redo operations.

You should hire iPhone app developers who define the property and also explain the advantages and disadvantages. The applicant answer may include: A lazy property is a stored property that is calculated only when it is accessed for the first time.

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Here are some more iPhone app developer interview questions that you can ask to assess a developer’s caliber.

  • What is Cocoa and Cocoa Touch?
  • Explain the difference between raw and associated values in Swift.
  • Which JSON framework is supported by iOS?
  • Explain the dialogue boxes supported on Android.
  • Explain AndroidManifest.xml file. Why do you need this?

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Frequently Asked Questions

The purpose of the 3-week no-risk trial period is to start working with the developers and include them in the team. If you are satisfied with the developers, you keep working with them and pay their salary including the first 3 weeks. But, if you are not satisfied during the trial period, then you won’t pay anything.

Turing’s automated seniority assessment test, algorithm coding interview, and automated vetting flow help companies hire remote engineers in a matter of days. Turing’s AI-powered deep-vetting talent platform matches most companies with developers in 4 days.

Turing has created the first and only AI-powered deep-vetting talent platform to vet remote developers. Turing tests developers based on actual skills vs. self-reported experience from traditional resumes or job interviews. Every developer at Turing has to clear our tests for programming languages, data structures, algorithms, system designs, software specialization, frameworks, and more. Each Turing developer goes through our automated seniority assessment test comprising 57 calibrated questions in 5 areas — project impact, engineering excellence, communication, people, and direction.

iPhone app developer deals with building applications for Apple's operating system. They have a detailed knowledge of the iOS ecosystem and about implementing features on various Apple devices. If you are looking to hire a proficient iPhone app developer, reach out to Turing to make the hiring process easy.

Get an adept iPhone app developer who is flexible to work in your timezone with the assistance of Turing, an AI-powered deep-vetting talent platform that finds the best developers from all over the globe. Get high-quality remote developers in 4 days at Turing.com.

There is a huge demand in the market for iPhone app developers. From startups to established companies, all of them are in dire need of iPhone app developers. Acquire Turing's assistance to hire the best iPhone app developers out there as it’s providing remote developers at half the cost.

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