Hire remote Jinja developers at half the cost with Turing in 4 days. Build your engineering team with timezone-friendly and deeply vetted developers quickly and efficiently.
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Jinja is a modern-day templating language for Python developers. Special placeholders in the template allow writing code similar to Python syntax. It was made after Django’s template and used to create HTML, XML, or other markup formats that are returned to the user via an HTTP request. Jinja operates by compiling template source code to Python bytecode when it's first loaded, so that the template is only parsed once, resulting in better runtime performance. In addition, Jinja also supports the option of ahead-of-time compilation leading to better performance.
These templates are very flexible in terms of what they can contain by supporting concepts like macros and more Python-like constructs. The technology is inspired by Django templates, so there's a lot of common ground between the two systems. Powerful features like template inheritance and blocks work in the same way. Hence, a smaller learning curve exists to use Jinja in Django projects. Security features like auto-escaping are also tightly integrated into Jinja, just like they are in Django templates.
Professional Jinja developers are adapting to the technology because it has a consistent template tag syntax and the project is cleanly extracted as an independent open-source project so it can be used as a dependency by other code libraries. It also strikes a thoughtful balance on the template engine spectrum that enables embedding arbitrary code in the templates. It is crucial for developers to completely understand the user requirements and successfully translate them into technical specifications. Therefore, you must hire the best Jinja engineers capable of supporting continuous improvement and efficiently maintaining the system.
However, hiring Jinja developers is not as easy as it may seem, even with the growing business demands. Sorting through resumes and interviewing candidates can take up days and sometimes even weeks to hire top Jinja coders. Candidates ought to be evaluated and hired based on their ability, competence, and proven expertise to perform the required task. This can make the entire recruiting process a daunting, expensive, and time-consuming task.
So, what’s the solution? Is it possible to hire Jinja developers quickly and cost-effectively without compromising on quality?
The answer is yes.
Turing offers companies the ability to hire remote Jinja programmers at half the price within 4 days. We select the best developer after testing their expertise in many areas like Python, MySQL/NoSQL, database, Git, Merging, Branching, Pull Requests, Django/Flask, HTML, web technologies, etc. As remote work requires strong communication skills, our vetting process ensures that the developer has excellent collaboration and problem-solving skills. Hence, when you decide to hire top Jinja coders, you just need to share your requirements with us, and our AI-driven system will help source, vet, match, and manage developers.
Companies can now hire remote Jinja programmers and build a team of talented developers from across the globe in just a few days with Turing.
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