Turing is the world’s leading AI-based platform to match you with top PHP/WordPress developers remotely. Scale your engineering team with the push of a button.
PHP Developer
Evgen is a full-stack developer with 10 years of experience in architecting and building responsive web applications. He is highly skilled in technologies like PHP, HTML, etc.
PHP/WordPress Developer
Murtaza is a WordPress Developer with 10+ years of experience. He has expertise creating web sites and applications with modern web technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript
PHP/WordPress Developer
Anton is a web developer with 16 years of experience. He has worked on various projects such as wind turbine management system, an online service for financial reporting & analytics and monitoring tools. He is highly skilled in technologies such as PHP, OOP, WordPress, MySQL, REST/RESTful APIs
PHP/WordPress Developer
David has 8+ years of experience in web and mobile development. He launched 20+ websites and published 10+ mobile applications to App Store and Google Play.
PHP/WordPress Developer
Saleh has 8+ years of experience in web development. He is highly skilled in technologies such as TCP/IP, DNS, Cisco, Information Technology, Troubleshooting, WordPress, etc.
In this guide, we have listed down the major recruiting points on how to hire PHP/WordPress developers to scale up your development team.
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PHP developers are some of the most influential professionals in the field of web development. The ability to build web applications that aligns with modern trends and features. But with the rising popularity of web development, the process to hire PHP/WordPress developers can be a tricky one. Not every prospective hire will be a good fit for your team as an individual.
In an effort to ease the process to hire top PHP/WordPress coders, we've developed this hiring guide. Take a look at the essential skills to look for in applicants.
To hire the best PHP/WordPress developers, you must evaluate the following skills:
One of the primary requirements to keep in mind when looking to hire PHP/WordPress developers is knowledge of frameworks. These frameworks allow developers to streamline development processes. They also offer a variety of different code libraries that helps minimize time to integrate frequently used functions. Excellent knowledge of PHP frameworks not only helps build scalable modules but also enables teams to create more stable applications. So take your time to understand the depth of knowledge of applicants before you hire remote PHP/WordPress engineers.
Along with knowledge of different frameworks, the ability to utilize front-end technologies and programming languages like HTML and CSS are long-standing choices for web development, making them a primary requirement. These work as the heart of user interface development processes and conceptualizing in-app features that offer high efficiency. So, take time to identify professionals with deep knowledge of front-end development before you hire PHP/WordPress developers.
While posting vacancies to hire PHP/WordPress developers for your company make sure to mention skills like MySQL as essential requirements. PHP frameworks do not come with data management capabilities. For this, the ability to work with MySQL or similar solutions becomes essential for developers. One of the biggest reasons behind MySQL being the preferred database is its automation features. Using this database, developers can configure processes to store, sort, and retrieve data independently. For which it’s important to hire remote PHP/WordPress engineers with thorough knowledge of database services.
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Similar to the likes of HTML and CSS, JavaScript is also a skill you should look for when looking to hire PHP/WordPress developers in 2021-22. JavaScript is a widely trusted front-end development technology used to configure different modern web application features. The technology comes in handy, especially when trying to integrate in-browser features to offer modern services. Ideally, you should hire PHP/WordPress coders with a medium to expert level of understanding of JavaScript deployment.
Modern digital solutions are built and maintained using small modular updates. This has made keeping track of modifications, updates, and changes applied to the original code essential. PHP developers also need to possess a strong knowledge of using versioning tools like Git, SVN, Perforce Helix Core, ClearCase, Team Foundation Server, Mercurial, etc. So if you are planning to hire PHP/WordPress developers in your team, in-depth knowledge of control systems should be considered a primary requirement.
CMS or Content Management Systems are modern tools that have replaced traditional methods of managing web content. CMSs enable individuals to easily publish or modify live content. One of the best things about using CMSs is the ability to alter published content without having to tinker with the original code. For this, it is essential to hire the best PHP/WordPress programmers with a thorough knowledge of using CMSs like WordPress, Drupal, or Joomla.
These listed skills should be considered essential when looking to hire PHP/WordPress developers, especially for senior positions. Such skills will be the key to finding success and building state-of-the-art solutions. However, along with the listed technical skills, you should also try to vet the communication skills of applicants. In the modern tech industry, the ability to communicate, address a group, and participate in discussions confidently is essential for producing and contributing efficiently.
If you're trying to find PHP/WordPress developers who are not just skilled but also a perfect fit for your team, check out these special tips to create job descriptions that attract developers who are the perfect fit per requirements. Check out how you can write a PHP developer job description to hire PHP/WordPress coders.
Creating a hiring funnel will provide you with numerous benefits, like assisting you in identifying the top skills and identifying PHP/WordPress developers who will fit into your company's culture.
Being a top development company, Turing will help you to hire PHP/WordPress developers who will fit in your company culturally.
We verify if the candidate really wants to work at your company and can spend 5+ hours to prove it by rigorous tests. It helps us to see a developer's caliber.
Developers are asked skill-related questions and made to solve tricky problems. We use open questions. The goal is not only to test developers’ knowledge – but we also want to find out their way of thinking.
We provide explicit feedback on both the test task and the technical test after we have checked the developer's expertise.
You can interview the shortlisted developers to check if the candidate matches your requirements and is a good fit for your company.
Hire intelligently with developers sourced by software, vetted by software, matched by software & managed by software.
Whether you're an IT recruiter or a project manager, you know that finding top developers is critical to the success of your project. Here are some sample interview questions to use when looking to hire PHP/WordPress developers to work on your online applications:
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Here are some more interview questions to assess the developers' caliber.