Turing’s AI-powered deep-vetting talent platform helps you hire top C programming developers from a planetary pool of highly-skilled remote developers. Join Turing and unleash the world’s untapped human potential.
C Developer
Ahmad is working as a software developer for more than 20 years with the last 11 years in web design and development.
C Developer
David has an experience of 15 years in software engineering. He is focused on creating highly efficient, optimized and structured software solutions to meet the business needs.
C Developer
Alessandro is a software developer with 15+ years of experience. He is highly skilled in technologies such as MATLAB, Linux, C, Embedded Systems, Bash, etc.
C Developer
Mohammad has 16+ years of experience as a developer, engineer, and architect, with a proven ability to design and implement robust applications.
C Developer
Ronak has 4 years of experience as a database administrator and developer. He has a demonstrated history working in the mining and metals industry, with sound skills in C, Microsoft SQL Server, Visual Studio, C#, etc.
In this guide, we have listed down the major recruiting points on how to hire C programming developers to scale up your development team.
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In the current global software development landscape, C has managed to stay relevant for decades carving out a niche of its own. It is considered one of the best languages for low-level coding, it can be used to build various products. Due to the popularity and capabilities of the language, C programming experts are some of the most in-demand talents in the industry. So, recruiters looking to hire C programming developers may face challenges in hiring experienced professionals.
Therefore, to make the interview and hiring process simpler for every recruiter, we have developed this specialized hiring guide. Check out the listed skills to understand the different skills to look for when trying to hire top C programming engineers for your firm.
Hiring a proficient developer takes more than just scanning through stacks of applications. At a high level, C developers should have the following skills in their arsenal:
Boost and Standard Template Library (STL) are two of the most popular libraries for C programming. They provide a wide range of features that can help C developers write more efficient and reusable code. Moreover, these libraries have many features that can help you avoid common programming errors and write efficient code. For example, Boost has a number of algorithms that can be used to sort and search data more efficiently than the standard C library functions. That's why you should hire C programming developers with profound knowledge of Boost & STL.
When planning to hire C programming developers, always consider professionals well-versed in working with data structures. C uses various data structures based on project requirements and niches. One of the best ways to test the knowledge of data structures when trying to hire remote C programming programmers is by using technical questions. It can help make the process far simpler and offer you a clear idea about the capabilities of prospective employees. For reference, try to check if applicants are familiar with commonly used data structures like - Array, Stack, Queue, Linked list, Trees, and Hashing
Proficiency in database technology can significantly enhance a C programmer's ability to create efficient, reliable, and scalable applications. Whether it's a mobile application, a web application, an IoT project, databases are often used to store and retrieve information. Being skilled in database technology allows a C programmer to build robust and scalable applications. Therefore, you should hire C programing developers with in-depth knowledge in database systems.
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Another key requirement to keep in mind when trying to hire C programming developers is their knowledge of socket programming. The process of configuring different nodes within a network for communicating is referred to as socket programming. It's an essential skill for developers to possess, especially if you’re looking to bring in professionals with the potential of taking up leadership roles. Socket programming is highly flexible and can be easily configured for general communications exchanging raw data packets between applications. To take advantage of such options, spend time vetting developers when looking to hire top C programming engineers.
When you are looking to hire C programming developers, try to find professionals with deep knowledge of troubleshooting. Problems and blockers or a wide range can crop up out of nowhere while developing applications on C which often requires prompt solutions. C developers must possess a thorough understanding of troubleshooting approaches that can help tackle tricky situations confidently. So, while conducting interviews, spend time to test the skill set of the developers before you select applicants to hire the best C programming programmers.
Regardless of service domain or niche, every developer must possess strong interpersonal skills to deliver as expected in the current landscape. Communication skills should be one of the top priorities if you’re looking to hire remote C programming developers. This helps to make collaboration within the team and between cross-functional teams simpler. It can also help teams streamline development processes and conduct brainstorming sessions with higher efficiency. Take time to understand how confident applicants are in sharing their opinions and interacting with new people when hiring C programming engineers.
Identifying talents and securing the services of the right C programming developers can be a tough job without the right set of skills. To make the process simpler, working with a hiring funnel can feel helpful and make shortlisting applications a lot easier.
Being a top development company, Turing will help you to hire C programming developers who will fit in your company culturally.
We verify if the candidate really wants to work at your company and can spend 5+ hours to prove it by rigorous tests. It helps us to see a developer's caliber.
Developers are asked skill-related questions and made to solve tricky problems. We use open questions. The goal is not only to test developers’ knowledge but also to find out their way of thinking.
We provide explicit feedback on both the test task and the technical test after checking the developer's expertise.
You can interview the shortlisted developers to check if the candidate matches your requirements and is a good fit for your company.
Hire intelligently with developers sourced by software, vetted by software, matched by software & managed by software.
When looking to hire C programming developers, it is important to evaluate their skill level by asking the right set of questions. Here’s a list of interview questions you can utilize to vet developers appearing for the interview.
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Here are some more C programming developer interview questions that you can ask to assess a developer’s caliber.