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PHP Developer
Evgen is a full-stack developer with 10 years of experience in architecting and building responsive web applications. He is highly skilled in technologies like PHP, HTML, etc.
PHP Developer
Michael is a full-stack developer with 6 years of experience delivering web solutions with diverse tech stacks. He is fluent in languages such as Laravel, JavaScript and PHP.
PHP Developer
Ahmad is working as a software developer for more than 20 years with the last 11 years in web design and development.
PHP Developer
Jasenthu is a full-stack software engineer with 14 years of comprehensive experience in building user-friendly and modern responsive websites using a wide set of technologies.
PHP Developer
Chika is a software developer with 4+ years of experience in building quality web applications using the latest technologies.
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PHP and its frameworks are considered high-value skills in the current web development industry. PHP enables developers to add identity and uniqueness to web applications. Even though PHP is one of the most widely used web development technologies, finding highly skilled coders can be tough. Especially if you’re looking to hire PHP unit testing developers who can take charge in leadership roles and drive projects.
To make the process of hiring PHP unit testing developers simpler, we’ve developed this guide specifically for recruiters. Check out the listed skills and traits that make the ideal PHP specialist and select the right applicants for your team.
At a senior level, PHP developers should have the following skills in their arsenal:
In-depth knowledge of using PHP frameworks like Laravel, Phalcon, Symfony, and CodeIgniter for various projects should be a primary skill when looking to hire PHPUnit testing developers. These frameworks offer developers code libraries that help to speed up and simplify development processes. One of the biggest advantages of using these code libraries is the availability of preset code modules.
These code libraries help PHP developers to configure frequently used functions using tested code presets. The ability to take advantage of different frameworks is an essential requirement for all PHP developers to build modern web solutions. When looking to hire PHP unit testing developers, look for candidates well-versed in popular PHP frameworks.
Even though PHP is a reliable language, it does not come with data management capabilities. For which in-depth knowledge and ability to work with modern database technologies are essential for developers. Among multiple PHP-compatible database technologies, MySQL has managed to become a widely trusted choice. One of the biggest advantages of using MySQL for your projects is the ability to automate data management services. Developers can configure functions in a way that the web applications can store and retrieve data whenever required without human intervention. So, if you're ever looking to hire PHP unit testing engineers, make sure to select applicants well-versed in MySQL best practices.
Another key skill to keep in mind when looking to hire PHP unit testing developers is knowledge of front-end solutions. While developers can build back-end services using PHP frameworks, they also need to be well acquainted with front-end development mechanisms. Legacy programming languages like HTML and CSS still hold a lot of importance in building intuitive and high-quality user interfaces. So when scouting for professionals, try to hire remote PHP unit testing engineers with thorough experience working with front-end technologies.
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Like HTML and CSS, JavaScript is a skill you should look for when you hire PHP unit testing developers. JavaScript is a widely used front-end development technology used to configure different modern web application features. The technology comes in handy, especially when trying to integrate in-browser features to offer modern services. Ideally, you should hire PHP unit testing coders with a good knowledge of JavaScript development.
Knowledge of version control tools is not just important for PHP unit testing developers but for almost all modern software development activities. In the present world, developers prefer to work with module-based updates to maintain the stability of developed services. However, working with such approaches makes tracking modifications and updates to code an essential requirement.
This is exactly what versioning tools offer, as it helps developers keep track of all updates made to the original code. It can also help developers switch back to a stable version in case updates disrupt the efficiency of applications. So, try to find applicants with knowledge of version control tools before you hire remote PHP unit testing engineers for your team.
One of the most essential skills to look for when you hire PHP unit testing developers is the ability to work with content management systems (CMS). Knowledge of CMS enables developers to maintain web content. Using different CMS tools, developers can easily add, modify, or delete published content.
The biggest advantage of using CMS tools is the ability to make these changes without having to work with HTML or CSS codes. Content management systems like Joomla, Drupal, and WordPress have managed to make a mark as one of the industry’s most popular choices. So, when looking to hire top PHP unit testing programmers for your company always try to bring in people with thorough knowledge of working with CMSs.
If you're currently looking to hire PHP unit developers, you consider the listed skills as essential requirements to hire for senior positions. But besides technical skills, the ability to communicate efficiently and participate in collaborative activities holds a lot of importance in the modern tech industry. As companies are shifting to spread out teams, the need to hire remote PHP unit testing engineers has become increasingly important. So, invest time to test the interpersonal skills of applicants before selecting someone.
In addition to finding skilled professionals, you should also try to select people who would be a good fit for the existing team. One of the best ways to attract the right talent is by crafting proper job descriptions. You can check out how to write a PHP developer job description to hire the best PHP developers.
Creating a hiring funnel will provide you with numerous benefits, like assisting you in identifying the top skills and identifying a PHP unit testing developer who will fit into your company's culture.
Being a top development company, Turing will help you to hire PHP unit testing developers who will fit in your company culturally.
We verify if the candidate really wants to work at your company and can spend 5+ hours to prove it by rigorous tests. It helps us to see a developer's caliber.
Developers are asked skill-related questions and made to solve tricky problems. We use open questions. The goal is not only to test developers’ knowledge – but we also want to find out their way of thinking.
We provide explicit feedback on both the test task and the technical test after we have checked the developer's expertise.
You can interview the shortlisted developers to check if the candidate matches your requirements and is a good fit for your company.
Hire intelligently with developers sourced by software, vetted by software, matched by software & managed by software.
Whether you're an IT recruiter or a project manager, you know that finding top developers is critical to the success of your project. Here are some sample interview questions to use when looking to hire PHP unit testing developers to work on your online applications:
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Here are some more interview questions to assess developers' caliber.