We, at Turing, are looking for talented Vue/Node.js developers who will be responsible for building scalable, high-performance, and intuitive web applications. This is your chance to work with the leading Silicon Valley companies from the comfort of your home.
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Modern web applications rely on JavaScript for speed and scalability. JavaScript has evolved to be used in almost all web-based applications, even for large-scale projects. Most importantly, its frameworks, Vue.js and Node.js, have become popular in web development.
Node.js is an open-source runtime environment used for developing highly scalable and real-time web applications outside of the client’s browser. It is a JavaScript runtime built on Google Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine and was originally designed with a real-time, push-based architecture in mind. Entire sites can be run using a unified ‘stack’, making development and maintenance quick and easy, which allows you to focus on meeting the business goals of the project.
Vue.js developers are front-end software engineers who use the Vue.js framework to manage the graphical user interface of a web application. Vue.js developers are skilled in a variety of areas including project management, client relationships, and client communications, skills that ensure seamless project management and positive outcome for the client.
In recent years the growth of web development has led to a surge in the use of frameworks that aid in the creation of robust and scalable applications. An IT business must keep up with changing, innovative technologies to stay afloat. In the past several years, Vue/Node.js has become the de facto standard for building scalable applications in real-time.
Vue/Node.js appears to be the future of the front-end world, as no front-end development can currently be done without the help of these frameworks. Needless to say, Vue/Node.js developer jobs are going to become increasingly demanding in the coming years.
Vue.js developers primarily work on the front-end of a web application. Vue.js is popular among front-end developers because of its adaptability and ease of integration with other libraries or existing projects. Vue.js developers can create smooth transitions between states using flexible APIs.
A Node.js developer deploys and maintains network applications. The developer manages the exchange of data between servers and users, develops back-end components, and connects apps with other websites. The developer also supports front-end devs by integrating web apps.
Here are the primary responsibilities of a Vue/Node.js developer:
Let's move on to the road that one must take in order to pursue a profession in the Vue/Node.js Development field.
To begin, it's important to know that there are no formal educational requirements necessary to become a Vue/Node.js developer. You can become competent in front-end development regardless of whether you're a graduate or non-graduate, an experienced developer, or a novice. All you need is the desire to learn and a willingness to practice the relevant technical and non-technical skills along with a well-drafted Vue/Node.js developer resume.
Despite many job openings in Vue/Node.js development, you may find it difficult to land one because many employers insist on hiring people with a specific degree. Here are a couple of reasons why: First, any relevant academic background will make it easier for you to understand how to code and write web applications. Second, having the right degree makes it easier for you to get hired by firms looking to hire programmers.
Now, let's look at the skills and methods you'll need to master in order to become a successful Vue/Node.js developer.
Become a Turing developer!
The first step is to start learning the fundamental skills that can get you high-paying Vue/Node.js developers jobs. Here is what you need to know:
HTML and CSS are the web's foundations. HTML is the language used to develop pages. HTML is used to structure a website and also to store data for the website's content. CSS is the language that defines the presentation of an HTML document. CSS adds style to things to make them look better.
Single File Components are used to create Vue applications (SFC). In a single file, you can define JavaScript logic, HTML code templates, and CSS styling. Vue will render HTML from the template for the user to see. Improve your HTML and CSS skills so that you can properly display items on the page. You should be comfortable with creating semantic HTML tags. CSS, Flexbox, or CSS Grid can be used to style your application.
Vue applications will have dynamic data and will respond to user input and interaction rather than displaying static data. The logic for this behavior in your SFC will be written in JavaScript.
The web is becoming a more dynamic platform. Every year, new JavaScript standards are released. These standards are introducing more and more powerful features. Object destructuring, template literals, new ways to declare variables, and new Array methods are among the new features.
Using modern JavaScript will increase the efficiency of your development while allowing you to write better, more readable code.
As Vue/Node.js developers, you need to have a good understanding of Git. It is an open-source version control system that allows you to track changes in your files and simplifies collaboration on files and projects with multiple people.
You'll need to do two things to get started with Git. Install Git on your computer first. Second, to store your code, create an account on a cloud-based platform such as GitHub or GitLab.
As you write new code or modify existing code, your changes will be saved in your GitHub account. Using Git, other developers can contribute to your existing codebase.
To be an efficient Vue developer, you must understand the fundamentals of the Vue programming language. The Vue documentation is a great place to begin learning how to use Vue.
Vue has a straightforward philosophy that makes it simple to get started. Vue is worthy of consideration as the first JavaScript framework to learn due to its low barrier to entry. If you already have an application, you can use Vue in only one part of the front end. Alternatively, you can create an entire application in Vue. Vue will scale in accordance with the size of your application.
Node.js was created using Chrome's V8 JavaScript. One of the main reasons why software companies prefer the language is its effectiveness and multifaceted frameworks, a huge library of modules, IDEs, and tools. Companies looking to hire Vue/Node.js developers look for those who understand the multiple, basic Node.js frameworks such as Express, Hapi, and Total.js that help enhance the core functionality of Node.js.
There are numerous existing tools and projects that can greatly simplify software development. APIs can be used to integrate these projects with existing systems. A good Vue/Node.js developer must be able to work smarter by utilizing existing RESTful APIs and other basic APIs, as well as integrating multiple systems for better software development. As a result, when applying for Vue/Node js developer jobs, make sure you understand API Communications. As a result, when looking for Vue/Node.js developer jobs, ensure that you are skilled in API communications and understand how each system communicates with the other.
Become a Turing developer!
Developers are a lot like athletes. In order to excel at their craft, they have to practice effectively and consistently. They also need to work hard enough that their skills grow gradually over time. In that regard, there are two major factors that developers must focus on in order for that progress to happen: the support of someone who is more experienced and employing effective practice techniques for yourself. As a developer, it's vital for you to know how much to practice - so make sure there is someone on hand who will help you out. Also, keep an eye out for any signs of burnout!
Turing offers the best remote Vue/Node.js developer jobs that suit your career trajectories as a Vue/Node.js developer. Grow rapidly by working on challenging technical and business problems on the latest technologies. Join a network of the world's best developers & get full-time, long-term remote Vue/Node.js developer jobs with better compensation and career growth.
Long-term opportunities to work for amazing, mission-driven US companies with great compensation.
Work on challenging technical and business problems using cutting-edge technology to accelerate your career growth.
Join a worldwide community of elite software developers.
Turing's commitments are long-term and full-time. As one project draws to a close, our team gets to work identifying the next one for you in a matter of weeks.
Turing allows you to work according to your convenience. We have flexible working hours and you can work for top US firms from the comfort of your home.
Working with top US corporations, Turing developers make more than the standard market pay in most nations.
At Turing, every Vue/Node.js developer is allowed to set their rate. However, Turing will recommend a salary at which we know we can find a fruitful and long-term opportunity for you. Our recommendations are based on our assessment of market conditions and the demand that we see from our customers.