Hire deeply-vetted JavaScript developers

Companies can now hire JavaScript developers remotely with Turing. Hire now and spin up your dream engineering team with Turing’s AI-powered deep-vetting talent platform that sources, vets, matches, and manages 3 million+ developers worldwide.

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JavaScript Developer

Experience7 years

Daniel has 7+ years of experience in software development with excellent working knowledge of hardware, software, and programming languages.

Expert in
  • JavaScript
  • Git
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Python
Also worked with
  • React Native
  • Node.js
  • MySQL
  • Flask
  • Vue.js


JavaScript Developer

Experience30 years

Chris has 30+ years of experience in the software industry. He has worked as a CTO at 4 different startups. He is an innovative thinker trying to empower as many people as he can.

Expert in
  • JavaScript
  • Java
  • Android
  • Redis
  • MySQL
Also worked with
  • Spring
  • J2EE
  • Perl
  • Subversion
  • Hibernate


JavaScript Developer

Experience8 years

Marco has 8+ years of experience in software development. He is highly skilled in technologies such as Vue.js, Node.js, JavaScript, Android, AWS, DevOps, etc.

Expert in
  • JavaScript
  • AWS
  • Android
  • Vue.js
  • Node.js
Also worked with
  • Agile
  • Git
  • AngularJS
  • Data Engineering
  • AWS DevOps

JavaScript Developer

Experience8 years

Võ is a full-stack developer having 8+ years of experience in design, development, testing, and maintenance of both front-end and back-end systems.

Expert in
  • JavaScript
  • Node.js
  • Java
  • Python
Also worked with
  • PHP
  • Docker


JavaScript Developer

Experience6 years

Alexandr has 6+ years of experience in software development working with technologies such as JavaScript, Ruby on Rails, React, and PostgreSQL.

Expert in
  • JavaScript
  • Ruby on Rails
  • React
  • PostgreSQL.
Also worked with
  • Bootstrap
  • Redux
  • SEO

Build your dream team now

Hire Developers
How to hire the best JavaScript developer?

In this guide, we have listed down the major recruiting points on how to hire JavaScript developers to scale up your development team.

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How to hire the best JavaScript developer?
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Turing named to Fast Company's World's Most Innovative Companies 2021 for placing remote devs at top firms via AI-powered vetting
Turing helps entrepreneurs tap into the global talent pool to hire elite, pre-vetted remote engineers at the push of a button
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4 days

to fill most roles,
sometimes same day.

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50+ hours

of engineering team time
saved per developer on interviewing.

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success rate.

Hire JavaScript developers through Turing in 4 easy steps

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    Tell us the skills you need

    We’ll schedule a call and understand your requirements.

  2. 2

    We find the best talent for you

    Get a list of pre-vetted candidates within days.

  3. 3

    Schedule interviews

    Meet and select the developers you like.

  4. 4

    Begin your trial

    Start building with a no-risk 3 week trial period.

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How to hire a JavaScript developer? Skills to look for, interview questions, and more.

In today's world, JavaScript developers are one of the most in-demand professionals helping businesses grow. The technology has been in use since the 90s but with the rise of faster data services, its importance has also skyrocketed. Moreover, being a programming language conforming to ECMAScript specs, it is used by developers to develop high-level and object-oriented functions.

Hiring JavaScript developers is easy, but hiring expert JavaScript developers with ample expertise is challenging. Plus, the high demand for these professionals and the limited talent pool means hiring JavaScript developers is both time-consuming and costly.

Turing makes this easy by providing pre-vetted JavaScript developers within 4 days. Our AI-powered talent cloud vets developers to ensure they possess strong expertise in JavaScript frameworks, libraries, databases, DOM manipulation, etc.

Furthermore, if you're a non-technical hiring manager and want to know more about how to hire JavaScript developers, we have an excellent resource for you.

What are the skills to look for while hiring a JavaScript developer?

If you're worried about not being able to select the right JavaScript developers, this brief run-down should help you to get some ideas. A professional who checks off most of these skills can be considered a good fit for the role.

1. Understanding of JavaScript fundamentals and DOM manipulation

A technically sound JavaScript developer must be well-versed in JavaScript's fundamental concepts, including data types, variables, functions, control structures, objects, and prototypes. Additionally, expertise in DOM (Document Object Model) manipulation is necessary for web development. Hence, when you hire remote JavaScript developers, check if they can use JavaScript to interact ith HTML elements, modify their properties, and dynamically update the UI.

2. Knowledge of ES6+ and JavaScript features

When hiring JavaScript developers, you must evaluate their proficiency in ES6+ and the latest JavaScript features. Expert JavaScript developers stay up to date with the latest ECMAScript features and standards, having a firm command of ES6+ syntax, restructuring, arrow functions, modules, spread operators, and other modern JavaScript features.

3. Knowledge of different JavaScript tools & Libraries

As JavaScript is the primary language supported by popular browsers, it has become one of the most efficient languages for developing web apps. A lot of different frameworks and libraries have been developed based on JavaScript which has managed to streamline and speed up JavaScript app development.

Most of the popular tools are capable of event handling, code-reduction, and also data rendering. When looking to hire JavaScript developers, look out for professional experience using toolkits like:

  • Aurelia
  • Vue.js
  • React
  • Backbone.js
  • Ember.js
  • Ext JS
  • jQuery
  • Meteor
  • Polymer

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4. Understanding of databases

Writing clean and efficient codes won’t alone help to run applications. To successfully launch an application, a database will also be required to store data and host the app.

Therefore, when hiring JavaScript developers, check their working knowledge of:

  • MySQL
  • Posters
  • MongoDB
  • SQLite
  • Apache Cassandra etc

Work with top JavaScript developers from around the world

Turing helps you find the right developers for your project

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5. Knowledge of version control and CMS

Another essential skill you should look for when hiring JavaScript developers is knowledge of version control. The professional you hire will be working with a team of developers (front and back-end). The JavaScript expert would be expected to take responsibility for ensuring quality in version control and sync well with all members of the team.

Try to hire JavaScript developers with an advanced level of version control concepts alongside experience with GIT and similar platforms. Understanding a CMS like WordPress is important for the developer to create, deploy, and administer websites easily and efficiently.

Have a look at our experienced JavaScript/WordPress developers capable of delivering interactive and customized solutions for your company.

6. Familiarity with security best practices

Expert JavaScript developers must also be familiar with JavaScript's security best practices to help prevent common web vulnerabilities during software development. These threats range from cross-site scripting (XSS) and injection attacks to cross-site request forgery (CSRF). Hence, when you hire a JavaScript developer, check if they are proficient in techniques such as output encoding, input validation, and proper data handling for maximum security.

7. Knowledge of testing, debugging, and performance optimization

Creating user-friendly, business-ready applications is imperative to success. For this, a JavaScript developer must possess a solid understanding of testing frameworks like Jasmine, Mocha, and Jest, as well as debugging techniques. Your chosen developer must be able to write unit tests, perform integration testing, and efficiently debug JavaScript code through Node.js debugging features. Additionally, a skilled JavaScript developer must be able to optimize the JavaScript code's performance, through algorithm optimizations, network request minimization, and rendering performance improvements.

Create a hiring funnel

If you're entrusted to hire JavaScript developers, it is wiser to recruit using a hiring funnel. It will help to ascertain experience and skill level and also identify professionals best suited for your company.

What Turing does for you

We will help you select the best talents and spot a JavaScript developer who will fit in your company culturally.

We verify if the candidate really wants to work at your company and is able to spend 5+ hours to prove it by rigorous tests. It helps us to see a developer's caliber.

Developers are asked JavaScript related questions and made to solve tricky problems. We use open questions. The goal is not only to test developers’ knowledge – we also want to find out their way of thinking.

We provide explicit feedback on both the test task and the technical test after we have checked the developer's expertise.

What you do

You can interview the shortlisted developers to check if the candidate matches your requirements and is a good fit for your company.

Hire intelligently with developers sourced by software, vetted by software, matched by software & managed by software.

Questions you must ask when hiring JavaScript Developers.

No matter what is your designation or position in the technical hierarchy, you would know the importance of roping the right talent. If you're looking for questions that will help test and identify the most valuable JavaScript experts, here's a list you can refer to.

Undeclared- Occurs when trying to access a variable that is not declared in var, let, or const.

Undefined- Occurs when a variable is declared in var, let, or const, but no value is specified.

A prompt box is often used to make users enter values ​​before entering the page. When prompted, the user must enter the values ​​and then click OK or Cancel to continue. When the user clicks OK, the field returns the input value. When the user clicks Cancel, the field returns null.

  • ViewState is the state of the browser page where the value of the control is retained when the postback operation is performed. When another page load, the data from the previous page becomes unavailable.
  • SessionState is user session data and is maintained on the server-side. This data will be available until the user closes the browser or the session expires.

The type of a variable in JavaScript is determined only when a value is assigned and can change when the variable is displayed in different contexts. Usually, you don't have to worry about typing. JavaScript finds what you want and does it.

The ES6 Javascript version introduced Arrow functions. With the Arrow functions, we can declare functions using new and shorter syntax. These functions can only be used as function expressions. The declaration of these functions is done without using the function keyword. Moreover, if there is a single returning expression, then even the return keyword is not needed. Additionally, wherever the code occurs in a single line only, we can omit the curly {} braces. If there is only one argument in a function, then we can omit even the () parenthesis.

Work with top JavaScript developers from around the world

Try Turing today and discover great developers to fuel your ideas

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Here are some more JavaScript developer interview questions that you can ask to assess a developer’s caliber. Go through our collection of JavaScript interview questions and answers to help you hire the best candidate.

  • How are event handlers utilized in JavaScript?
  • What is the role of deferred scripts in JavaScript?
  • What are the various functional components in JavaScript?
  • What is unescape() and escape() functions?
  • What are the decodeURI() and encodeURI()?

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Check out more resources to hire JavaScript developers

Job description templates

Learn how to write a clear and comprehensive job description to attract highly skilled JavaScript developers to your organization.

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Job description templates

JavaScript interview questions and answers

Here's a comprehensive list of all the common JavaScript interview questions and answers to help you with the interview process, whether you’re a recruiter or a candidate looking for a job.

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JavaScript interview questions and answers

Frequently Asked Questions

The purpose of the 3-week no-risk trial period is to start working with the developers and include them in the team. If you are satisfied with the developers, you keep working with them and pay their salary including the first 3 weeks. But, if you are not satisfied during the trial period, then you won’t pay anything.

There is a high demand for JavaScript developers among companies. As per the recruiting platform Devskiller, 72% of companies are looking to hire JavaScript developers. If you plan on getting the best JavaScript developer who is comfortable working in your timezone at half a price, try Turing.com.

If you are finding it challenging to hire a good JavaScript developer, reach out to Turing, an AI-powered deep-vetting talent platform that will source the best candidates for your company from the talent available across the world in just a few days at a decent price.

Turing has created the first and only AI-powered deep-vetting talent platform to vet remote developers. Turing tests developers based on actual skills vs. self-reported experience from traditional resumes or job interviews. Every developer at Turing has to clear our tests for programming languages, data structures, algorithms, system designs, software specialization, frameworks, and more. Each Turing developer goes through our automated seniority assessment test comprising 57 calibrated questions in 5 areas — project impact, engineering excellence, communication, people, and direction.

With Turing, you can hire the best remote developers for 100+ skills such as React, Node, Python, Angular, Swift, React Native, Android, Java, Rails, Golang, PHP, Vue, DevOps, Machine Learning, etc. Turing also offers developers based on tech stack and seniority.

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